
"The white robe will always strive where the motherland needs it!" Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College teachers and students under the national flag mission
"The white robe will always strive where the motherland needs it!" Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College teachers and students under the national flag mission

At 7:00 a.m. on October 1, accompanied by loud passwords, the National Flag Guard was marching into the field.

This is the scene of the flag-raising ceremony of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine celebrating the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, more than 400 teachers and students lined up neatly in the playground, when the national anthem was played, the flag bearer threw the national flag into the sky, and the bright five-star red flag was raised under everyone's gaze.

"The white robe will always strive where the motherland needs it!" Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College teachers and students under the national flag mission

The hundred-year journey is magnificent, and the original intention of the hundred-year journey has lasted for a long time. Jiang Fan, secretary of the party committee of the School of Medicine of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, said at the scene of the flag-raising ceremony that the holding of the national flag-raising ceremony today opened an important chapter in the second stage of the study and education of party history in the Medical College of Jiaotong University. The cause of medical education carries the historical responsibility of cultivating people with virtue and guarding health. It is hoped that all the doctors of Jiaotong University will strive to continue to write the glorious history of the same frequency resonance between the medical school of Jiaotong University and the national medical education and human health undertakings. ”

Fan Xianqun, dean of the School of Medicine of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, said that at a new historical starting point, the vast number of doctors should further carry forward the spirit of patriotism, cultivate patriotic feelings, start a new journey with an indomitable attitude of endeavor, and not forget the "road to come", in order to take the "road under the feet" and open up the "road to the future".

The persistence and inheritance of the three generations of party members of the old, middle and young generations

Professor Ding Wenxiang, former dean of the Shanghai Children's Medical Center affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and winner of the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal, came to the scene, 92 years old this year, 65 years old of the party, he is a pediatric cardiothoracic surgeon, at the age of 18, he was admitted to Shanghai Aurora University (the predecessor of Jiaotong University School of Medicine) to study medicine, and has since become related to medicine.

"The white robe will always strive where the motherland needs it!" Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College teachers and students under the national flag mission

Ding Wenxiang said that the greatest happiness in this life is to be a pediatrician, seeing the smile of parents holding their cured children when they are discharged from the hospital, feeling solid and satisfied; every time they discuss cases with their juniors, share their medical experience, and feel vigorous. He said that the appearance of the younger generation is the appearance of the contemporary medical youth, the light of future medicine.

"The white robe will always strive where the motherland needs it!" Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College teachers and students under the national flag mission

Dr. Le Fei, a 39-year-old doctor who has been assisting Tibet for more than two years, has been assisting Tibet for more than two years, and it is also during his time on the plateau that he witnessed the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, the comprehensive victory in China's battle against poverty, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the 70th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet, and other major events. ”

"The white robe will always strive where the motherland needs it!" Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College teachers and students under the national flag mission

Continuing the red bloodline and inheriting the mission of doctors, Zhao Jundan, a representative of the newly joined students of Jiaotong University School of Medicine and a five-year pediatric major in clinical medicine in the class of 2018, is 21 years old this year and became a preparatory party member 4 months ago. She said that when she first entered the school, she was pleasantly surprised to find that this "small and beautiful" campus was only a 10-minute walking distance from the site of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China, the birthplace of the party, and the surrounding neighborhoods were full of revolutionary sites that had only been seen in old movies and old photos.

"I always felt the infiltration of red culture, the encouragement of the red spirit, and the responsibility of the division commanders around me, so I submitted an application to the party organization at the first time, hoping to have the honor of taking over the baton of history and provoking the mission and responsibility belonging to our young generation." Zhao Jundan said.

Teachers and students went into battle together, dictating the original intention of the history of the academy

"The high-spirited Jiaotong medical practitioners are building a world-class medical school with Chinese characteristics, Shanghainese style and Jiaotong medical characteristics with the attitude of 'success must have me'." Under the national flag, the oral history of jiaotong university, brought by the representatives of teachers and students of Jiaotong University Medical College, "Continuing to Educate People with Initial Intentions, Courageously Undertaking the Mission of Health", tells the story of Jiaotong University Medical College, which has a history of 125 years of running a school and has gone through 69 years of journey of building the hospital, word by word, showing the determination of jiaotong medical people to cherish the "great power of the country", have the courage to struggle, and constantly forge ahead.

Xu Peiyi, an eight-year clinical medicine student of the class of 2020, said, "As a narrator of the history of the oral hospital, I deeply understand that the history of the college and the history of the country are inseparable, and only under the nurturing of the mother of the motherland can our Jiaotong University Medical School develop and grow from the situation of 'less than 100 acres of campus, less than 100 teachers, and only a few majors' in the early days of birth. ”

Shao Chongwen, an eight-year student of clinical medicine in the class of 2018, was deeply touched by the story of Ding Wenxiang's grandfather, she said, "When the five-star red flag meets the pure white robe, the mission on the body is more prominent, in the last hundred years, the white robe wears through the revolution on the battlefield, and the generations of doctors do not forget their original intentions, save lives and help the injured; this hundred years, the white robe will always struggle where the motherland needs, adhering to the original intention of 'health first, life first', the spirit of 'Boji medical source, diligence and tireless', and take over the baton of the next hundred years." ”

"The white robe will always strive where the motherland needs it!" Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College teachers and students under the national flag mission

The flag-raising ceremony reached a climax in the singing of "Singing the Motherland" by all teachers and students, and the majority of medical people will draw wisdom and strength from the party's century-old great struggle process, inherit the great spirit of party building, and start a new journey with an enterprising attitude.

Author: Tang Wenjia Tong Kuan

Editor: Tang Wenjia

Source: Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine

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