
Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

author:Sea Green Cottage

Although you saved me from the wolves, you had bread and ham, I acquiesced to your touch, and though my life was full of dangers, insecurity, and accidents, I did not yearn for your life, and you could not possess me. I will defend my life for the freedom I was born with, if you understand what love is.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

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Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

49. I looked back at the "fallen fox" and couldn't help but laugh! The fox seemed to be annoyed by my laughter, and it turned its head away from me, and I followed it and said loudly to it, "Fox, I really don't want to make fun of you." ”

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

50. It went to the grass, crouched down in the grass, and ignored me. I never thought that foxes would get emotional too. I thought it was so cute, and all of a sudden, I thought of a name that suited it—Nelly.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

51. "Nelly! Nelly!" I called the name I gave it. The fox got up, looked at me, and slowly walked over to this side, "Nelly, Nelly, come and have a look." I continued to shout, trying to touch it, to comfort it. But my Nelly ignored me and jumped past me and ran deep into the forest.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

52. I followed Nelly into a huge cave, it was very dark inside, I turned on the flashlight and walked slowly forward, Nelly ran away for a while, came back again, walked around at my feet, and slowly walked forward for a while. I guess it must not be the first time it has been here.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

53. Here I saw beautiful stalactites, caves leading to the ground, and many strange sights. As you go deeper and deeper, the strange stones around you reflect a huge strange shadow in the faint light of the flashlight. At this time, Nelly was gone. I was terrified and anxiously searching for an exit.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

54. I don't know how long I had been walking in the darkness, when suddenly I stumbled and rolled down a slope, and I actually came out of the cave. At this time, the world outside the cave was already dark. My flashlight didn't know where to roll, and I polished the matches to illuminate the surroundings. On this night, I met snakes, owls, deer...

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

55. A bright moon rises into the sky, and everything around it is much clearer. I found a place that I thought was flat and safe, and under the regular flickering of fireflies in my hand, I unconsciously fell asleep.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

56. Early the next morning, when the sun and the sound of birds woke me up from my dream, I saw Nelly sleeping beside me. Ah, it turns out that she has been guarding my side all night!

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

57. Once again I could not help but reach out and stroke it, and instead of running away, I closed my eyes and let my hand slide through its soft fur. My friendship with Nelly is one step further!

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

58. "Lila, where are you?" "Distant shouts ruined this wonderful time, it was Daddy! He's looking for me! Nelly seemed to know something, looked at me, and ran away. I also ran in the direction of my father.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

59. My all-night absence made My father and mother very worried. As punishment, I had to stay at home for two weeks. But I only thought of Nelly, and my mind was full of her shadow. At home, I painted the time we spent with colored pencils, the way she preyed, walked or jumped. These have long been engraved in my mind. I can't wait to see her!

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

60. Two weeks later, I can't wait to come to the forest. In the sun, I blew the wooden flute. This time, I got a response from Nelly!

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

61. It runs joyfully to me, to me to touch and to be intimate with me. I was so happy because my Nelly hadn't forgotten me! I whispered in its ear, "I haven't seen you in a long time." ”

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

62. We run among the flowers, we rejoice in the wilderness...

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

63. When it was quiet, we would look at each other, and I told it, "I just like to look at you like this." ”

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

64. I thought, what would it like? Does it also like to come here and play with me? Does it like flowers? Does the world in its eyes and the one I see are the same color?

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

65. He was always alert, constantly looking around, his ears pricked up, listening carefully to the sounds around him.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

66. I hold my ears with both hands, imitating them. I closed my eyes and listened as quietly as it did.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

67. It is amazing that I have heard many tiny sounds in nature...

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

68. Every time I feel at some point that it is leaving, and soon it will disappear. Now that it was gone again, I searched hard for its figure and shouted, "Wait for me!" ”

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

69. When I found it, it scared me out of a cold sweat...

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

70. I saw him lying on top of a dead tree, trembling, and underneath the dead tree were four wolves, jumping fiercely upwards, shaking the dead tree vigorously, biting the trunk...

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

71. I took a brown paper bag out of my bag, blew it up, and slapped it violently. With a loud bang, the wolf's frightened eyes turned to me, and my fox took the opportunity to escape.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

72. Several wolves came to me. At this time, I don't know where I came from, instead of running, I shouted and rushed towards them, and the wolves ran away in fright, and I sat paralyzed on the ground. And just like that, I saved my fox.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

73. All night of the day I dreamed of wolves. I don't know if I'll ever see my little fox again.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

74. Nelly came to me again, happier than ever when she saw me! It took me to its nest and walked into it myself. I waited outside and fell asleep unconsciously.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

75. When I woke up, three little foxes appeared before me, playing, running, fighting, in short, everything about them made me very happy, but they also quickly accepted me.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

76. From then on, as soon as I play my wooden flute, they will come to me when they hear my flute, and they will follow us as they walk, run, jump, play... Soon the pleasant summer will be over.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

77. On this day, we were fluttering butterflies in the flowers, and an eagle swooped down from the sky and rushed toward the little fox, and I ran over desperately and protected it with my body. When it was all over, I picked up the little fox and felt a warmth in my heart.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

78. In the evening, we would often sit on the high slopes of the hill and look at my home down the hill. I told Nelly that it was my home, and my dad, my mom, and the puppy in front of the door... When I saw my father's car coming home and heard my mother shouting for dinner, I would say goodbye to Nelly and rush home.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

79. My fox will stand on the hillside, his eyes always following me...

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

80. Its silhouette in the setting sun is so lonely...

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

81. My foxes often rush to me as soon as I leave the house. When it looks at me, I can feel its joy. We lay in the grass, enjoying the warm sunshine beautifully. I feel like I'm starting to understand it. I was so lucky I became friends with Nelly.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

82. On this day, as we ran into the forest, I lit a flame and surrounded it with wood as a house... I told it it was our fairytale kingdom, this was our home.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

83. I always wanted it to be more obedient, so I tied a handkerchief around its neck and held it with a rope, and Nelly struggled to bite the rope and ran. Thinking about it now, at that time, I only cared about my own happiness, but ignored the fear in its eyes.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

84. I shut myself at home and stopped looking for it. But I can never forget my fox...

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

85. I picked up the wooden flute and blew it, and who knows, its figure appeared on the grass outside the window, and it was running towards this side.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

86. I came out to greet it happily, only to see that it still had the scarf I had tied around its neck. I welcomed it into the house, and it followed me upstairs to the room where I was staying, and I closed the door. It sniffs everywhere vigilantly.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

87. At first, it jumped onto my bed and came to the window and looked out... Gradually, it became uneasy, it hid everywhere in the room, making an uneasy sound... After that, it jumped up and down, hit a stool, and shattered vases and wine glasses...

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

88. I tried to hold it, but it threw its hand away. I watched in such a daze as it leapt through my room until it suddenly shattered my glass window and fell down the second floor.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

89. I ran to the window and looked out, only to see Nelly lying on the ground with a pool of blood on her head. I ran down quickly, picked up Nelly, and headed for the forest.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

90. I went to Nelly's nest and put it down. I stroked it, begged it to wake up, and assured it that it would never force it to do anything again. But it didn't wake up. Its child heard the voice and came out. They smelled my mother's wounds and looked at me as if they knew something and didn't know how to be good.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

91. I gently removed the blood-stained handkerchief from its neck and left silently...

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

92. The unborn little foxes followed me and played behind me. I looked at them and couldn't be happier anymore. Loss and guilt turned into tears that overflowed my eyes. I looked up into the distance, and suddenly, I saw my little fox between the blue sky and the grass...

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

93. I ran toward it as fast as I could...

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

94. When I came to its side, it looked at me and turned away from me...

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

95. In that moment I learned why the fox always runs away when it sees us, knowing that we cannot be true friends. I think I confused love with possession.

Natural beauty, cute children and little foxes, warm pictures... An original movie worth watching with children, "The Fox and the Child"

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