
Delicious Korean food, clam cake, calcium-rich, nutritious food

author:Lazy food time

Ingredients: 100 g of clams, 50 g of leeks, 1 egg, 1 tbsp of flour, salt, 1 tsp of water, 2 tbsp of olive oil

Seasoning: 1 red pepper, 1 small pepper, a little pepper, 2 spoonfuls of soy sauce, a little vinegar, a small spoonful of sesame oil, a small spoonful of sugar, a little sesame seeds

Directions: 1, wash the clams and sprinkle with flour evenly

2. Cut the small peppers and red peppers into fine pieces

3, put chili pepper, salt and pepper in the egg and dip the clams evenly into the egg

4, put the appropriate amount of oil in the pot, put the clams into the pan and fry