
Dongxindian Town: Study party history with heart and do practical things with sincerity

author:Texas News Network
Dongxindian Town: Study party history with heart and do practical things with sincerity
Dongxindian Town: Study party history with heart and do practical things with sincerity

Since the launch of the party history study and education, Dongxindian Town has always regarded the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses" as an important part of the party history study and education, adhered to the work principle of "planning from a high position, advancing with high standards, and implementing with high quality", solved the problem of the masses' "urgent difficulties, worries, and expectations" with pragmatic measures, and effectively transformed the results of party history study and education into practical actions of serving the people wholeheartedly.

Meticulous deployment, work to promote the orderly. In connection with the annual work arrangements, the dongxindian town party committee formulated the "Implementation Plan for the Practical Activities of "I Do Practical Things for the Masses" in Dongxindian Town for the first time, closely following the requirements of "studying the history of the party and doing practical things," extensively carrying out research and study activities through the combination of "opening the door to solicit advice" and "going to the door to seek advice." In connection with the actual work of the whole town center, the party committee of Dongxindian Town has sorted out the work list of "I do practical things for the masses," covering rural revitalization, people's livelihood, grass-roots party building, rural style civilization, infrastructure construction, and other aspects, and has clearly defined the time limit for completion. Responsible Persons. The town party committee regularly tracks and understands the progress and implementation of the work, deeply finds gaps, studies ideas and countermeasures, and carefully organizes and finely promotes each practical matter to ensure that all practical matters for the people run through the whole year and are implemented in depth.

Rich carrier, volunteer service has characteristics. In accordance with the objectives and requirements of the study and education of party history, relying on the development of volunteer service activities in the new era of civilized practice and the construction of volunteer service sites in various villages, we should earnestly integrate practical things for the masses into daily life and grasp them on a regular basis. Six volunteer projects such as visiting condolences and support, and publicizing policies and regulations were set up, and all 53 cadres of the organs were sent to the villages of Bangbao, and they participated in village volunteer service activities on a regular basis. Taking the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses" as an opportunity, the party branches of all villages have carried out more than 1,700 times of volunteer services such as human settlement environment improvement, publicity on the prevention of telecommunications fraud, condolences and help, and publicity and guidance on new crown vaccination, and comprehensively set off a wave of party history study and education such as "promoting cadres with learning and promoting action with learning".

Focus on demand, for the people initiatives have a temperature. We should persistently regard the solution of the masses' "urgent, difficult, and anxious expectations" as the specific goal of "I do practical things for the masses, and regard the masses' dissatisfaction as the "touchstone" for testing the effectiveness of the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses." Up to now, all the items in the work list have made effective progress, and the satisfaction and happiness of the masses have been continuously improved. In specific work, we continued to strengthen poverty alleviation projects and the continuous assistance of poor people, carried out 9 centralized visits, and newly built 19 "clean courtyards" to accurately complete the income forecast of poor households this year. Completed the payment of 5561 households' public security insurance, fully promoted the download and registration of the "National Anti-Fraud Center App", and carried out more than 40 multi-form publicity and education activities to prevent telecommunications fraud. Completed the verification and registration of the basic situation information of 1145 disabled people in the town, laying a good foundation for better carrying out various disability assistance services. We have paid close attention to the construction of beautiful villages and clean villages, carried out more than 30 centralized rectification activities for the rural living environment, carried out 7872 houses in the town, and completed the transformation of 2 dangerous houses; 7 village road repair projects and 4 village domestic sewage treatment projects have been smoothly advanced.

In the next step, Dongxindian Town will continue to focus on the needs and expectations of the masses, and do a number of "big things" around rural revitalization, double strokes and double introduction; We should pay close attention to the key work of improving infrastructure, developing characteristic industries, and improving the living environment, and do a number of "good things"; focus on the major social assistance, high-collar subsidies, family planning awards and support, and other matters that the masses are concerned about, and do a number of "practical things" to effectively transform the results of party history study into work motive forces, so that the masses can personally experience the actual changes brought about by the study and education of party history. (Correspondent Li Huimin Chen Wenbin)