
Thrombocytopenia is divided into three types, and the patient's diet should not be taken lightly

author:Oncology hematologist Hai Wenqi

Platelets are divided into three types of diets and also need reasonable collocations to supplement the nutrients needed by the body and enhance physical fitness. For patients with thrombocytopenic purpura, it is more important to take nutrients from the daily diet, but there are also many places to pay attention to in terms of diet, so patients should understand some dietary taboos to facilitate the treatment of diseases.

Thrombocytopenia is divided into three types, and the patient's diet should not be taken lightly

What do patients with thrombocytopenia eat?

Clinically, Chinese medicine divides thrombocytopenia into three types: real heat type, hypothermia type, and qi deficiency type, while for patients with different types of thrombocytopenic purpura, what to eat and drink should be clearly distinguished.


You can eat mung bean soup, rabbit meat, snails, bananas, sugar cane, olives, lotus, winter melon, loofah, hollow cabbage, yellow cauliflower, zibai and other detoxifying heat;

Avoid or eat less lamb, dog meat, beef, chicken, donkey meat, finches, turtle meat, fathead fish, yellow croaker, lychee, bayberry, walnut kernels, apricots, peppers, peppers, peppers, artemisia stalks, garlic, mustard, squeezed vegetables, cloves, fennel and other warm and spicy products, to avoid the occurrence of purple patches, so that the toxic heat is more abundant.

Thrombocytopenia is divided into three types, and the patient's diet should not be taken lightly


You can eat jackfruit, persimmons, loofahs, spinach, hollow cabbage, lotus, mussels, white fungus, fungus, cat meat, green fish, blackfish, turtles, dried scallops, river crabs, turtle meat, silver fish, duck meat and other things that nourish the cool blood to assist in treatment.

Avoid taking or cautiously use warm, dry and hot, and yang-aiding products to avoid the occurrence of excessive bleeding, irritability, restlessness and other evidence of hypothermia.


Sweet and warm things, you can eat beef, mutton, pigeon meat, sea cucumber, longan meat, broad beans, chestnuts, dates, pumpkins, yams, sweet potatoes, lotus seeds, plums and other blood-sucking products;

Avoid or eat less river crabs, oysters, mussels, raw diamond horns, winter melons, gourds, bitter melons, white, bananas and other cold and debilitating things to avoid shortness of breath, tiredness, fatigue, blood out of the blood and other evidence of non-blood.

The above, is the introduction of thrombocytopenia diet should avoid related matters, for patients with very low platelet values, in addition to being clear about these precautions, it is necessary to ensure that the food is soft and easy to digest, do not eat too warm food. You can eat some eggs, milk, beans and fresh vegetables and fruits rich in protein, vitamins and trace elements to help improve the value of platelets and alleviate the disease.

Finally, for patients whose platelet values return to normal, do not relax their vigilance, regardless of daily care or diet, they must strictly follow the doctor's instructions and reasonably regulate the diet, so that it is conducive to physical recovery. In addition, regular re-examination and monitoring should be carried out to observe whether the body has bleeding symptoms.