
Most of the animals on Earth are symmetrical, but these four animals are exceptions

author:Encyclopedia of Rice And Rice Life

There are countless creatures on Earth, but most of them have a characteristic, that is, there is symmetry. Most organisms on Earth ignore details, and their physical appearance is approximately symmetrical, but their symmetry is different, such as plane symmetry, radiation symmetry, point symmetry, and so on. However, there are also some creatures that are asymmetrical, and in terms of appearance alone, there are obvious differences between their sides, such as the following animals.

Most of the animals on Earth are symmetrical, but these four animals are exceptions


Flounder is a strange-looking fish with a flattened body, a roughly oval body, a light brown color on the left side of its body, and a lighter belly. The strange thing about the flounder is that both of its eyes grow on one side of the head, which makes its head look very incongruous, and its name "flounder" is derived from this feature. Flounder's meat is delicious, and most of its varieties can be eaten as seafood.

Most of the animals on Earth are symmetrical, but these four animals are exceptions

hermit crab

Hermit crabs are a type of crab that lives in a snail shell, does not burrow on its own, and specializes in the shell of a snail as its home. In general, the left and right bodies of hermit crabs are mostly asymmetrical, as are the caudal segments. However, there are some special species of hermit crabs that are symmetrical, although this is not common.

Most of the animals on Earth are symmetrical, but these four animals are exceptions

Beaked bird

Also known as the "little parrot", the beaked bird is slightly larger than the sparrow and is mainly active in the coniferous forest. The beaked bird is very diverse and widely distributed, and its obvious feature is that the beak is staggered up and down when it is closed. However, the strong jaw muscles of the beaked bird allow its beak to exert up to 45 kilograms per square inch, making it easy to cut through the hard fruit. It seems that the staggered beaks up and down do not affect their lives at all.

Most of the animals on Earth are symmetrical, but these four animals are exceptions


Conchs are typical asymmetrical animals, as you can see by their shells. In general, the bodies of mollusk animals tend to be asymmetrical, and even their shells take on a spiral shape.

Most of the animals on Earth are symmetrical, but these four animals are exceptions

The symmetry and asymmetry of the animal's body are the result of its natural evolution, and what other animal in your impression is asymmetrical?