
As usage is exquisite

author:Wings English
As usage is exquisite

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As a preposition, it generally has two meanings:

"Such as, like";

they got united as one man. They were united like one person.

"Act as, act as";

as a painter,she was famous. As a painter, she is well known.

As a conjunction, it is often used to connect the main clause and the adjective clause

Guided time adverbial clauses, meaning "when... time";

i was startled as he opened the door. As soon as he opened the door, I was startled.

Lead reason clauses, meaning "because, because", are similar to the usage of because; i must stop walking now,as i have a headache. I had to stop because my head hurt.

Lead concession clauses meaning "although, although";

strange as it may seem,it is true. As strange as it may seem, it is true.

as is also used in some fixed collocations:

as far as i am concerned in my opinion

as soon as 一... 就...

as far as I know

In addition to the above usages, as can also be used as a hyphen to guide adverbial clauses. as a guide word can be connected to a multi-class adverb clause, such as a temporal adverb clause, reason clause, modal adverb clause, or comparative adverb clause. Therefore, I hope that students will be able to remember the various uses of ass, and some fixed phrases containing as can also be used in writing.

As usage is exquisite