
Drug Rehabilitation "Star"
Drug Rehabilitation "Star"

Arwen has participated in helping more than 300 community drug rehabilitation personnel in Triangle Town.

Drug Rehabilitation "Star"

A family visited, more than 300 service recipients, Arwen ran a large part.

Drug Rehabilitation "Star"

Grandma's family is not very well- and Ah Wen will buy some eggs by the way to help.

Drug Rehabilitation "Star"

Here, everyone believes in Arwen, the "comer" and is willing to talk to him.

Drug Rehabilitation "Star"

At every sharing meeting, Arwen and everyone were very happy together.

Drug Rehabilitation "Star"

The florist of The Perfection Social Work Service has become the first working point for many drug rehabilitation personnel to return to the community from drug rehabilitation centers. Arvin works here and drinks tea with his clients on weekdays, "and they have to get along like family."

More than 20 years ago, he was an "ancient boy" who "did nothing evil", taking drugs, robbing...

More than 20 years later, he has been detoxified for 5 years, becoming a full-time staff member of the service agency, helping people to rehabilitate...

He said: In fact, every drug addict wants to quit, but it is easy to quit drugs, and it is difficult to quit addiction. One drug addiction, lifelong detoxification!

He said: "Some people suspect that I am still using drugs. There will always be different visions, and the key is how we prove it with actions.

He is a "passer-by" in Triangle Town, Zhongshan City, he used his nearly 20 years of drug abuse history and his 5 years of personal experience in drug rehabilitation to help more than 300 community drug rehabilitation personnel, and the efforts of him and his colleagues have made 100 people temporarily unrespentant.

His name is Liang Yanwen. Today is the International Day Against Drugs, let us approach him and enter his world together.

■ He did not quit in prison for 5 years, can he quit when he goes to a drug rehabilitation village?

Liang Yanwen, 38 years old, from Triangle Town. People around him used to call him Arvin.

Arwen has dark skin, is not tall but strong, loves to laugh when he sees people, prays before meals, and plays a good guitar...

You can't imagine that this polite Arwen in front of you was an "ancient puzzle boy" more than 20 years ago. He started taking drugs at the age of 14 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison for armed burglary.

Talking about the past, Arwen is a little ashamed, but more calm. It's not the first time he's talked about the past, last year's "6.26" anti-drug party in Triangle Town, Arwen held a guitar, played and sang, and talked about his experience of drug rehabilitation.

The former Arwen followed the big brother in the gang to the casino to "collect counts" and steal cars.

The money came too easily, what "hi" to play, do not know who brought white powder into KTV, a bunch of people have been poisoned.

"When a drug addict is a drug addict, his whole body is like an ant bite, and he wants to hit the wall and die."

After entering the drug rehabilitation center twice, the family gradually gave up on Arwen and cut off his financial resources, and Arwen actually went into a burglary with an arm and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

Because of his good performance, after 5 years and 3 months, Arvin was released from prison, and the first thing he did was to find his old friend Ak to take drugs.

On the road to drug use, many of Arvin's "brothers" and so-called friends "disappeared" one by one, or were sentenced or died of drug use. The death of his old friend Ah K became an important node in the transformation of Ah Wen's life.

"The last shot I helped him get, there was almost no muscle to hit." Standing next to the cold, emaciated, and even somewhat frightening corpse of the old man, Arwen suddenly realized that if he sucked it down, he would end up in the same fate. At that time, Arwen was in shock from time to time due to drug use.

"In fact, every drug addict wants to quit, but it is easy to quit drugs, and it is the most difficult to quit addiction. There is an old saying that once you take drugs and quit drugs for life, this is the truth. Arwen asked his mother to call the police to arrest him, and her mother shook her head: "I haven't quit for 5 years in prison, can I quit after 2 years of going to a strong detention center?" ”

Ah Wen's desire to quit drugs was extremely strong, and on the recommendation of a friend, he went to a drug rehabilitation village in Fujian, where he received voluntary drug rehabilitation personnel and also managed to eat and live.

Different from the previous detoxification, the detoxification village is more of a class, and the teacher will start from the shaping of the soul and character, "The curriculum goes from shallow to deep, where the soul is comforted." "Living in a drug rehab village allows Arwen to regain his faith and sense of belonging.

■ He is suspected of being a public security undercover agent, is it acceptable to work as a social worker?

At the end of this year's Dragon Boat Festival group sharing meeting, Arwen picked up the guitar and sang a song "Surprise Encountered by Chance" to everyone: "I once traveled thousands of miles on the road, fell down on the way and couldn't get up, and my hopeless heart felt sleepy and completely exhausted... It's all you who can give me courage. Arvin's voice was low, sometimes soothing and sometimes exciting, making more than a dozen service recipients think about it.

The guitar was learned by Arwen in the drug rehabilitation village, and he has a songbook of hundreds of pages with many such inspirational songs. Outside of work, Arwen will play and sing a few songs, "singing can make people feel peaceful."

After rehabilitating, Ah Wen initially chose to stay in the drug rehabilitation village to volunteer, and Liang Yanxia, the director general of zhongshan Zhenshan Service Society, learned of Ah Wen's story and asked Ah Wen to come back and give a lecture to the community rehabilitation drug rehabilitation personnel, "He understands these people, he himself is a role model."

After half a year of volunteer work, Arwen accepted the invitation to officially become a full-time staff member of the service club and engage in "peer counseling" work. As the name suggests, it is to use one's past experience to give psychological enlightenment, comfort and support to those who need help. "I hope to help more people like me in my hometown."

From volunteering to a full-time staff, Arvin faces a lot of challenges.

I don't know anyone, what should I do? Ah Wen followed Sister Xia (Liang Yanxia) to visit one family after another. There are more than 300 service objects in the town, and he ran for more than half of them. "Some people mocked our social workers for being useless, and some people suspected that we were undercover undercover by the police, and I was in a hurry." He confided in the teacher in the drug rehabilitation village, and the teacher encouraged him, without justification, insisting on doing and doing with heart, and naturally he would be recognized.

Unlike social workers, Arvin doesn't shy away from keeping his personal cell phone number, "if you have difficulties or want to chat, feel free to call me." Arwen received a call from one or two o'clock in the evening, and the client said that he was "uncomfortable" and "talked to him and advised him to go home as soon as possible." "Arwen wants them to know that on this end of the phone, Arvin has always been there.

■ The idea of detoxification is like an electric flint, can he catch it?

The first to receive Arvin was the family of the client.

Uncle An, who lives in a grand-looking three-story old mansion, is 78 years old this year, and the eldest boy Ah Liang has been using drugs for more than 20 years and has been rehabilitated for more than ten times. Uncle An tried his best, in extreme times, to find someone to "stalk" for 24 hours, to rehabilitate his son at home, and to lock his son with chains and iron doors.

When a drug addict, Ah Liang always has a way to "resolve". Locked up, climbed down the water pipe in the middle of the night; locked by the iron gate, forced to pull the door open a large hole and drill out... Drug rehab again and again, but rebounded again and again, and even more and more serious.

Uncle An and his wife are this son, and the family's wealth has also gone from one of the richest families to the decline. Borrowing money, cheating money, stealing money, selling jewelry, Ah Liang can do anything. At the age of the elderly, the two ancient and rare old people were worried all day long, afraid that Ah Liang would do something that shocked and shamed them again.

After nearly 30 years of management, Uncle An really can't move, and the visit of Arwen and the social worker has allowed Uncle An and his wife to be comforted and see hope. Uncle An's family has been more than a dozen times before and after Arwen, and as long as Uncle An has time, he will run to the social work center to find Arwen, as if chatting with Arwen can relieve a lot of pressure. "With the support of Arvin and the social workers, it feels like we're not so alone." Arwen will also talk to Ah Liang and tell him what can be done to help him. "The key is to see if he personally wants to quit, sometimes this thought is like an electric flint, and to grasp is to catch."

A month before the Dragon Boat Festival, Ah Liang was found relapsing at home, Uncle An was desperate, saying that he wanted to report to the police to arrest him, but Ah Liang threatened suicide and begged Uncle An to give him 1 month of drug rehabilitation. A few days later, Ah Liang told his father that he was "very uncomfortable and wanted to hang his neck to commit suicide", and Uncle An replied: "I still want to hang my neck." ”

I don't know if this sentence touched Ah Liang, a few days before the Dragon Boat Festival, Ah Liang took the initiative to say that he would voluntarily quit drugs, and also swore that "if this abstinence is not successful, he will become a monk for a lifetime." Uncle An was so excited that he immediately contacted Ah Wen, who booked a ticket overnight and accompanied Ah Liang to fujian the next morning.

"I couldn't contact my family for the first 20 days, I went to visit him, A Liang was in good spirits, and I took some photos to show Uncle Ann." Uncle An and his wife put down a little heart, "These past few weeks, sleeping at night has been much more stable." Uncle An said that Arwen's work is good and meaningful, not only to help them solve a lot of worries, but also to let them see hope.

■ He who "fell into the water" rarely preached great truths, can it work?

The home of Ah Qiang in Triangle Town is also the object of Ah Wen's regular visits.

Arwen took the reporter to visit, and it happened that Brother Qiang went to repair the grave, which is the profession he is currently using to make a living. Brother Qiang's mother in her 70s has bad legs and feet, and when she sees Arwen coming, she insists on standing up and moving the stool. Arwen took Grandma's hand and asked her how her body was? What medicine to take? Grandma narrowed her eyes and smiled.

When he left, Ah Wen bought eggs from Grandma as usual, "She specially left them for me, and bought them at the market price of ten yuan a pound each time, which is also a help." ”

Brother Qiang is 50 years old this year, and when he was young, he slashed and killed, and his name was used by the women in the village to scare the crying children. Nowadays, it is much milder, and when the fierce "big brother" held a meeting, he cut watermelons for everyone, the knife work was exquisite, and after the meeting was cleaned, the last one left.

"He came out of the compulsory rehabilitation center for the second time at the end of last year, and it was difficult for him to find a job at his age." Arwen thought of a way for Brother Qiang, he had time to come to the flower shop to help take care of the flowers and plants, he had an income of more than ten yuan, and he could also ride a tricycle to sell, without paying the principal, and the money earned belonged to him.

Except for Sunday home visits, Arwen usually stays in the florist, and the young social workers call him Brother Wen. "Social workers have two days off, but Brother Wen is here for 365 days, leaving at ninety o'clock every night, and sometimes going to Guangzhou with Sister Xia to buy goods, and never heard Brother Wen complain about being tired at work." Social worker Guo Chujun said.

Arwen's flower shop has become the "home" of community rehabilitation personnel, and at the same time, it has also become the first working point for many drug rehabilitation personnel to return to the community from drug rehabilitation centers. "At most, there are 9 trainees, who can earn more than ten yuan a day by taking care of food and housing." Xia Jie said that although the money is not much, the biggest significance of the flower shop is to provide a counseling platform for drug rehabilitation, "The first 3 months after leaving the clinic are dangerous periods, and there are people who counsel and supervise, which can consolidate the effect of drug rehabilitation." ”

As long as he has time, Arwen chats with these service partners and listens to them "complain". "Be with them like family." Arwen said that in group activities, he will cook some sugar water and snacks, and Arwen, who has not eaten, will also cook some simple meals, but there are also rules for participating in activities, such as smoking bans, alcohol prohibition, and relapse can not come.

What's the difference between chatting with Arvin and chatting with other social workers? A service partner, Lao Chen, told reporters that Arwen "fell into the water", and like them, "people on the shore do not understand us, our disgraceful past, dark psychology, Arwen feels empathy." We are not treated as different, he does not talk too much about the big truth, but tells us how to live to make ourselves better, this is called help, not preaching. ”

Not being trusted and discriminated against is a situation that is often encountered by people recovering from drug addiction in the community. Lao Chen repeatedly rehabilitated from drugs three or four times, and came out of the strong rehabilitation center at the end of 2013, "Sometimes when he went around the village, a group of people talked and laughed, and as soon as they saw us, they immediately closed their voices." Ah Wen is very understanding, he shared with Lao Chen: "Until now, there will still be people who suspect that I continue to take drugs, there will always be a different vision, the key is how we look at it, with actions to prove." ”

■ Can he become a drug rehabilitation "star" and influence more people?

How to prevent and control relapse is a worldwide problem, to quit addiction pay attention to the "physical and mental community", that is, from the body to the spirit to quit, which requires family support, stable work, social support and confidence, faith, drug rehabilitation personnel "whole person rehabilitation" is possible.

Arwen dropped out of primary school in his early years and did not graduate, "I am not highly educated, so now I feel that learning is particularly important." "Every morning, when we come to the office, the first thing we see is Arvin, who is immersed in learning." Guo Chujun said that Ah Wen was following the video and learning from the social work professional book, "He can't type, we bought him a handwriting board, he didn't know how to make forms, he sat on the side and followed us to learn." ”

Zhenshan Service Agency attaches great importance to the cultivation of Arwen, spending tens of thousands of yuan to send Arwen to Hong Kong, Malaysia and other places to learn "peer tutoring" related courses, "This certificate is in English, I did not understand, but there are indeed many gains." He feels that the hospital treatment in Hong Kong, the "Breakthrough Home" in Singapore, and the gospel detoxification in Malaysia have a lot of inspiration and reference value, which can be applied to practical work. "For example, the establishment of a halfway home, to provide a place for people who have just left the school to eat and live, to provide vocational, psychological and other comprehensive training and employment opportunities." He feels that Singapore's "breakthrough home" model is also very good, "was founded by a drug rehab, established for more than 30 years, opened a café, moving transport services, car waxing services, health massage services, etc., all of which are provided by drug rehab personnel, changing the lives of countless drug addicts." ”

Arwen said the Triangle Town government is also very supportive of their project, providing rent-free space, and the service agency plans to open an additional pet shop and provide some jobs for rehabilitation personnel.

"I don't think I'm running out of time right now." In addition to daily home visits and flower shops, Arwen has become the "star" of drug rehabilitation in the town, and at various anti-drug parties, schools, communities, and drug rehabilitation centers, Arwen will hold guitars and sing his stories. "There is a former drug-addicted singer in Malaysia named Ho Hai Shan, and we also hope to make Arwen a Zhongshan version of He Hai Shan, he can influence more people." Sister Xia told reporters like this.

Under his leadership, some drug rehabilitation personnel are also willing to join the "Wheel of Change Peer Counseling and Cultivation Program" of the Triangle Town Anti-Drug Service Center. Xia Jie introduced that Zhenshan Service Club, as the undertaker of the project, has cultivated a team of more than 30 "people who have come over" by inviting mentor teams from Macao and Malaysia to share their own experiences, increase their sense of personal effectiveness, and rebuild their circle of friends.

Under the leadership of Ah Wen, 10 relatively stable "people who came over" helped 50 community drug rehabilitation personnel to participate in counseling, relapse referrals, etc.; home visits helped 30 drug-related families, participated in community publicity 10 times, and participated in anti-drug work exchanges once, serving more than 2,800 people in total. These peer counselors use their own experiences to give encouragement, support and trust to the recovered and their families, warn the public about the harm of drugs, and the role of the "people who come over" team in drug rehabilitation is increasingly recognized.

(The service objects in this article are pseudonyms)

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