
Is watching a movie equivalent to watching a masterpiece? Xingzhi Reading Club will take you into the "Light and Shadow Books"

author:Thoughtful client

Is watching a movie equivalent to watching a masterpiece?

Famous works adapted into movies, Chinese and foreign filmmakers are tireless. What is the relationship between the famous works of the self-made big IP and the adapted movies? Can movies replace masterpieces?

Is watching a movie equivalent to watching a masterpiece? Xingzhi Reading Club will take you into the "Light and Shadow Books"

Sponsored by Dachang Town Cultural Center in Baoshan District, Yan Hua Studio, and the Marketing Department of Shanghai People's Publishing House, the Xingzhi Reading Club invited Bi Yu, a senior classical music choreographer, to lead readers into the "Fragrance of Light and Shadow Books".

In the silent film era, the earliest films did not have any plot. But in the middle of one of the lumiere brothers' earliest films, there are some works with plots.

The "evolution" of the two versions of his work "Watering Gardener" is not only from the four-panel comic to the dynamic picture, but also the beginning, process and end of the story. As a result, the film embarked on a rapid development path, and the "drama film" officially met the audience.

Is watching a movie equivalent to watching a masterpiece? Xingzhi Reading Club will take you into the "Light and Shadow Books"

Bi Yu said that the more complicated the story, the emergence of the script is a natural occurrence: the content of the shooting is determined in the form of a script.

In 1902, director George mélières, known as the "magician of cinema", based on the work "Journey to the Moon" by Jules Verne, the "father of science fiction", created the film of the same name, which is regarded as the pioneering work of science fiction films.

Since then, film has developed more, and in the era of the gradual industrialization of film, due to the rarity of good texts, "famous adaptation films" naturally have a place for it.

However, masterpieces and films, the two art forms have different ways of expression, bring different target experiences to the audience, and the aesthetics brought by their own special methods are different, so the adaptation of famous works into movies is usually very different between famous works and movies.


Is watching a movie equivalent to watching a masterpiece? Xingzhi Reading Club will take you into the "Light and Shadow Books"

Adapting movies, why are some changes less successful? Some changes can be successful?

In Bi's mind, "the ideal benchmark for film adaptation is the Soviet version of War and Peace." ”

In contrast to hollywood's three-hour version of "War and Peace", which was the first to be released, director Sergei Bondarchuk chose "not to delete a word".

Turning Tolstoy's epic into a script, the director finally succeeded in completing this theoretically impossible task with seven hours of grandeur and greatness, and the film history classic was born.

However, even such a "word by word" creation still needs to be "adapted" and compressed when shooting. Therefore, after watching the famous book after the film, the audience can better understand the director's abandonment and retention, and read "War and Peace" in Bondalchuk's mind.

Is watching a movie equivalent to watching a masterpiece? Xingzhi Reading Club will take you into the "Light and Shadow Books"

Bi Yu said that even if there is more content adapted, sometimes it does not hinder the achievement of classic films. For example, the 70-year edition of Jane Eyre. The birth of different famous works is covered with a veil of the times, and the shooting of different periods in the future will also bring the current brand to make trade-offs.

So, about "Is watching a movie equivalent to watching a masterpiece?" To this question, Bi Yu's answer is, "The trade-offs are different, the films are different, and the brilliance of the film lies in this." Therefore, watching movies cannot be replaced by watching famous books. ”

Source: Thoughtful