
At the age of 50, Murong Fuyun hanged himself, and before he died, he wondered: Tang Jun galloped five thousand miles to kill me?

author:History is like a dust hook

When Tang Taizong saw Li Jing, he was shocked to find that this famous Tang general who had just destroyed the Turks was lying on a hospital bed, and when he got out of bed in a panic, he was also slightly sluggish due to his left leg with a foot disease.

Li Jing already knew the emperor's intentions, and he greeted Tang Taizong's arrival with an extremely excited look, and behind that look, Li Jing's begging for the rest of his life was hidden.

"Your Majesty, although Li Jing is old, he does not want to lie in the book of merits and have this remnant of his life, so let me lead my troops to destroy Tuguhun."

At the age of 50, Murong Fuyun hanged himself, and before he died, he wondered: Tang Jun galloped five thousand miles to kill me?

Famous general Li Jing

Tuguhun is a personal name, compound surname Murong, is the ancestor of the Xianbei Murong clan. In Mr. Jin Yong's work "Eight Parts of the Heavenly Dragon", Murong Fu's beloved State of Great Yan was founded by Murong Tuguhun's nephew Murong Huan. Before the establishment of the State of Great Yan, Murong Tuguhun, because of his disagreement with Murong Hui's father Murong Xi, crossed the Inner Mongolian plateau, migrated from Liaodong to Qinghai, and established his own state, while his grandson Murong Yeyan took the ancestral name as a state and a national title after succeeding to the throne.

In the chaotic era of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Tuguhun got enough time to develop and expanded the land for thousands of miles, but unfortunately, in its heyday, he met the Sui Emperor who also liked to expand abroad. The powerful Sui Empire easily defeated Murong Fuyun's Tuguhun and established Xihai and Heyuan Counties on the site of Tuguhun. However, the arrival of the turmoil at the end of the Sui Dynasty once again gave Murong Fuyun the opportunity to restore the country, and by joining forces with Li Yuan, the Duke of Tang, to attack Li Rail in Hexi, Murong Fuyun was favored by the new Central Plains Dynasty Tang.

At the age of 50, Murong Fuyun hanged himself, and before he died, he wondered: Tang Jun galloped five thousand miles to kill me?

During the Tang Dynasty, Tuguhun was born

In the early years of Zhenguan, the elderly Murong Fuyun entrusted the power of the imperial government to the King of Tianzhu, and the chancellor, who was keen on external expansion, disobeyed Emperor Taizong of Tang and sent envoys to pay tribute, while also making some small moves on the border. Emperor Taizong of Tang sent people to Tuguhun several times to reprimand him, and ordered Murong Fuyun to go to Chang'an to explain himself, but Murong Fuyun not only did not go to Chang'an, but instead detained Emperor Taizong's envoy Zhao Dekai.

In the eighth year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong of Tang, who had endured again and again, decided to carry out a forced attack on Murong Fuyun, and the General Duan Zhixuan of Zuo Xiaowei led a multinational coalition of Dang Xiang and Qi Mo to blitz Tuguhun.

Wang Jueren revealed the real reason why Tang Taizong attacked Tuguhun in his Tang history reading "The Bloody Sheng Tang": "Between the Tang Dynasty and the western states, there is a narrow and long traffic artery, which is called the Hexi Corridor. From the Hexi Corridor out of the Yumen Pass, you can reach the Western Regions, through which Central Asia, West Asia and Europe are. This important trade route through Eurasia is the famous Silk Road. Tuguhun is located on the south side of the Hexi Corridor, choking the throat of the Silk Road. ”

At the age of 50, Murong Fuyun hanged himself, and before he died, he wondered: Tang Jun galloped five thousand miles to kill me?

Tuguhun guarded the throat of the ancient Silk Road

And grazing in the Qinghai Lake area, the best war horse of Tuguhun imported from Persia, the Qinghai Horse, is the most important weapon to dominate the Western Regions, and having the Qinghai Horse is equivalent to getting a sharp sword hanging over the heads of the countries in the Western Regions.

Although Duan Zhixuan defeated Tuguhun's border troops and broke into the enemy country for more than 800 miles, he withdrew his troops for fear of poor grain and grass, and did not meet the strategic requirements of Tang Taizong to destroy Tuguhun.

Therefore, Tang Taizong urgently needed a general who was good at long-distance raids to share his worries, and Li Jing, who had rushed thousands of miles to destroy the Turkic Khaganate in the snowy night, naturally became his preferred target. However, after the return of the Turks, Li Jing was so suspicious that he closed his door at home, and even resigned from the official position of Shangshu Zuo's servant.

However, the emperor had a need, and even if Li Jing was unwilling to do so, he would be full of joy to cater to it, and even took the initiative to invite Miao to go to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where the environment was extremely harsh.

At the age of 50, Murong Fuyun hanged himself, and before he died, he wondered: Tang Jun galloped five thousand miles to kill me?

Map of the territory of Tuguhun in its heyday

Li Jing, who was more than a year old and suffering from a foot disease, ran to the battlefield of Tuguhun with Hou Junji. However, Murong Fuyun had already burned down all the grasslands, retreated two thousand miles, and hid in the Qaidam Basin. Under the extremely difficult situation of material supply, Li Jing did not withdraw his troops and return to China like Duan Zhixuan, but instead joined Forces with Hou Junji and raised the war with war, and launched a arduous expedition on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at an altitude of 4,000 meters.

The two Tang armies rushed thousands of miles, fighting dozens of battles, and almost completely destroyed Tuguhun's living forces. However, Murong Fuyun crossed the Argin Mountains from the Qaidam Basin and ran to the city of Jidu at the southeastern tip of the Taklamakan Desert.

Arriving at Dafeichuan, Li Jing paused for a moment and immediately marched towards the end of the city, Murong Fuyun once again fled in a hurry, this time he ran to the west of the Tulun River, but the Tulunchuan was not a safe area, and the Tang general QiFu Li he li crossed the desert with a thousand elites, arrived at the Tulun River, and captured Murong Fuyun's wife and son.

Murong Fuyun ran away again, and the soldiers who fled with him in the harsh environment were discouraged and left him, and Murong Fuyun had no choice but to hang himself.

At the age of 50, Murong Fuyun hanged himself, and before he died, he wondered: Tang Jun galloped five thousand miles to kill me?

The Tang army expedition forced Murong Fuyun to die

After Murong Fuyun's death, Emperor Taizong of Tang did not encroach on Tuguhun's territory, but instead supported a pro-Tang regime. Murong Fuyun's eldest son Murong Shun had been a hostage in the Central Plains Dynasty since childhood, with a very high degree of Sinicization, and was abandoned by Murong Fuyun, making him the best candidate to serve as the new khan.

In the ninth year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong of Tang approved Tuguhun's restoration, crowned Murong Shun as the eighteenth Khan of Tuguhun, and sent the Tang general Li Daliang to garrison him.

However, in the later years of Emperor Gaozong of Tang, the pro-Tang regime Tuguhun was strongly encircled and suppressed by the rising Tubo and once again destroyed the country, and on the former site of Tuguhun, Xue Rengui, Wang Xiaojie and other famous generals broke down, and hundreds of thousands of Tang troops buried their bones, but also failed to help it restore the country.

At the age of 50, Murong Fuyun hanged himself, and before he died, he wondered: Tang Jun galloped five thousand miles to kill me?

Tuguhun was eventually annexed by Tubo

In "Bloody Tang Dynasty", the author Wang Jueren focuses on a chase battle. Li Jing, who had set out from Chang'an, had just set foot on Tuguhun's territory and began a chase drama across alpine glaciers. On the snowy plateau and terracotta, The long journey of more than 5,000 miles from Yanzhou to DafeiChuan, Dafeichuan to The End City, and The End to the Tulun River finally forced Murong Fuyun to collapse and commit suicide.

The reason why Tang Jun was so desperate to pursue was largely due to the pressure of Tang Taizong. Tang Taizong, who had always liked to cut grass and remove roots, would not give the 50-year-old Murong Fuyun any chance to turn over, and pursuing more than 5,000 miles was undoubtedly to show the countries of the Western Regions a powerful national strength, and gave a great psychological deterrent effect for taking the Western Regions in the future.

At the age of 50, Murong Fuyun hanged himself, and before he died, he wondered: Tang Jun galloped five thousand miles to kill me?

Writer Wang Jueren

"Bloody Tang Dynasty" is Wang Jueren's masterpiece, and he depicts the magnificent 300 years of the Tang Dynasty in a humorous writing mode. As a modern book, it integrates cumbersome and complex historical records, not only on top, not idealistically, and expounds many historical figures from an objective point of view.

I read the full set of "Bloody Tang Dynasty" very early on, and I learned a lot from it. The real reasons for the change of Xuanwumen, Di Renjie before the Shenlong coup, the relationship between Tang Xuanzong and An Lushan, etc., it dissects the surface of history one by one, and allows readers to understand each historical event at a deeper level with unique interpretation.

This set of books is really worth collecting, whether you are a history lover or not, a tang history enthusiast, you can benefit a lot. Learn the way of dealing with the world, and look at the heroes of the world. If you are interested, please click on the horizontal bar below to purchase.

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The Complete Works of the Rise and Fall of the Tang Dynasty in 7 Volumes, also known as the Bloody Sheng Tang Dynasty Complete Works Wang Jueren Genuine Edition History ¥391.9 Purchase

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