
Intriguing truth

author:Tim View

Seeing that there is an article in Xue Fucheng's "Notes on Yong Xi" that "Thunder Saves Lives".

There is a peasant family in Wuxi Beixiang who raises a daughter-in-law, and her aunt is very abused, and the governor makes cotton and put yarn, and takes ten suo as a degree every day. One day, there was a rope, and I couldn't search for it. His sister-in-law said that he stole and sold his neighbor's house, and he was both strict and would be put to death. Suddenly the clouds were everywhere, the thunder was steep, and an old cow in the family was shocked to death, and its belly had also been split, and there was a yarn like a rope in the abdomen, and the cow was swallowed.

Then, the wrongs of the adopted daughter-in-law began to be white. The way of heaven is the most important thing in human life, and the cattle are ignorant, and they swallow a rope, and sin does not lead to death. However, if you swallow the yarn and cause death, you cannot help but strike it quickly to save people.

In "Thunder Saves Lives", if Lei does not split the cow, he cannot wash the wrongs of his daughter-in-law! Chop the cow, but the cow is really pitiful! Obviously, the person who should be the one who should be torturing the daughter-in-law is the one who should be tortured! But she was not punished in the slightest.

However, the text has already explained that the Heavenly Dao takes human life as the most important! That's why Ray chose to chop the bull.

But this truth is very intriguing...

It seems that only the phrase in Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, "Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs" can be explained! That is, heaven and earth look at all things the same way, not being particularly good to anyone, nor being particularly bad to anyone.