
Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

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Earth has a history of more than billions of years in the universe. In these long years, countless strange creatures once dominated for a while, and then disappeared into the long river of history. It can be said that "the rolling water of the Yangtze River in the east, the waves exhaust the heroes..." All of them were the overlords of that era, full of domineering. Let's explore it today.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

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The Mongolian Ann's middle mammal, about 45 to 36 million years ago, was a giant carnivorous mammal.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

The male protagonist of the Titan Python movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark" Indiana. Jones has always hated snakes, but if he lets him see the real Titan Python, it is estimated that he will directly scare the giant Titan Python into easily killing wild boar crocodiles. The Titan Python is more than 12 meters long and survived in the rainforest 60 million years ago. Titan pythons weigh more than 1,000 pounds, and they can easily entangle their prey and kill them. For weak creatures like humans, seriously, they're thankfully extinct.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

Great apes are extinct species of apes that lived in China, India, and Vietnam about 1 million to 300,000 years ago, in the same time frame and geographical location as several human families. It reminds me of King Kong unconsciously.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

Spinosaurus is the largest known carnivorous dinosaur, living mainly in Africa during the late Cretaceous period (about 144 million to 65 million years ago). Its distribution area includes Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Western Sahara, Niger and Kenya.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

The wild boar crocodile is a genus of crocodile-shaped superorder Marjanga crocodiles that lived in Africa during the late Cretaceous period. Wild boar crocodiles are speculated to be about 6 meters long. There are several large canine teeth in the upper and anterior segments of the lower jaw, and when the mouth bites, the lower jaw teeth are embedded in the recesses on the edge of the upper jaw.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

The Brondu scorpion Pumono scorpion is an aquatic scorpion of the Hillullian period that is 1 meter long. The Brondu scorpion resembled the scorpion of today, but was larger and had larger compound eyes. An ancient giant scorpion with a body length of three meters

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

Also known as Pterodactyl, it lived in the Late Cretaceous Period, and from about 84 million to 65 million years ago, the Wings of Aeolian Pterosaurus spread out more than 15 meters, making it the largest flying animal known to man.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

The monitor lizard is an animal of the genus Monitor Lizards of the family Monitor Lizard family, including the heaviest Komodo dragon of all lizards and the longest Saxophonea monitor lizard. The body length of the monitor lizard is generally 60 to 90 cm, and the largest can reach 2 to 3 meters

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

Giant pig _ modern warthog giant pig's earliest hometown is China's Yunnan, the earliest member of the Yunnan giant pig (eoentelodon yunnanense) was unearthed in the Yunnan Road south late neo-neogene strata, and they live with the animals, there are many kinds of early thunder beasts.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

"Odd shrimp" ancient creatures. A representative marine carnivorous creature of the Early Cambrian period of the Paleozoic Era 525 million years ago, with body lengths ranging from tens of centimeters to several meters. It is thought to be at the top of the Cambrian biological chain

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

Crocodile (scientific name: deinosuchus) has a body length of about 10 meters. It is an extinct large crocodile belonging to the alligator superfamily , which lived on the eastern coast of North America during the late Cretaceous period.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

Dunkleosteus, also known as "carcass fish", is a large paleontologist that lived during the Paleozoic Devonian period (about 360 million to 430 million years ago), with a body length of about 11 meters, a weight of up to 4 tons, and a bite force of up to 5 tons

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

Megalodon sharks are about 16-20 meters or more old and weigh about 47 tons. It is a creature with the strongest biting force in the history of the earth, with an average bite force of 20 tons, the maximum bite force of up to 28 tons, and its tooth tearing force greatly exceeds that of the Tyrannosaurus rex. Living about 2 million years ago, megalodon sharks were the ultimate predators of their time of existence.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

The Dragon King Whale, also known as the Monarch Lizard and the Toothed Whale, is a genus of the Dragon King Whale family, considered the ancestor of modern whales, living about 45 million to 36 million years ago in the Late Eocene, and is now extinct. Current scientific research has found that its natural enemy may be the shark-like rat white shark. The Dragon King Whale is a carnivore with a body length of about 18 to 21 meters.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

In the world of various paleontological creatures, there is a mysterious animal whose name is the spiny tooth shark. Over the years, all that has been seen is its wonderful, spirally arranged teeth (known in paleontology as "spiral teeth"), and the truly complete skeleton has not yet been discovered, so its "mystery" has attracted the attention of many paleontologists and paleontologists. The spiny tooth shark lived 290 million years ago. It existed even after the mass extinction. It was eventually completely extinct 240 million years ago. The serrations in the teeth are about 3-4 meters long. Imagine if the spiny tooth shark were still alive today, and I bet that many fish in the sea went extinct because they were eaten by this product.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

Among them, the bladed tiger (smilodon) is the most famous. The most famous saber-toothed cat is the Pleistocene genus Smilodon, with the most developed saber teeth.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

Like the Obabin sea scorpion, the grotesque worm lived in the ocean about 530 million years ago, was first found in Canada, and is the most famous animal in the Cambrian Period. The head is small and the dorsal side of the trunk has 7 pairs of strong long spines that grow diagonally upwards. According to ettoday: This grotesque hallucigenia with 14 legs and 6 tentacles, after many scientists have studied it, believe that this should be one of the weirdest creatures ever, and even make it impossible for scientists to distinguish between the head and tail. But recently, Some Canadian scholars have judged that this ugly creature was actually a lobster 500 million years ago

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

The horrible bird is a large carnivorous bird, but it is also one of the few birds that cannot fly, growing in South America 62 million to 2 million years ago.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

In ancient times, there were not many natural enemies of the giant horse land, because they were covered with armor and were difficult to kill. The giant Malu's body is translucent and afraid of sunlight, so it lives in dark crevices. Giant Malu also has smaller and denser body hair on its skin, which can secrete filamentous substances to stick itself to the rock. Although it looks numb, the giant malu is actually a docile bug that does not hurt people, and is completely different from the giant anaconda that specializes in eating people.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

Tyrannosaurus rex: Extinct 65 million years ago, T. rex is one of the largest land carnivores, unlike the dinosaurs you usually see on TV, in fact, dinosaurs are a hairy guy.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

Caspian Tiger: Extinct in 1970, also known as the Persian tiger, this big guy is a subspecies of tiger found in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, the Caucasus, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. It is the third largest tiger in the world.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

Cave Lion: Extinct 2,000 years ago, this was the largest lion species in the world, also known as the European Cave Lion or eurasian Cave Lion. 5-10% larger than modern lions.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

Titans are huge, but they can't fly, they are good at running, according to some researchers, they have a pound of 3 meters tall, raw swallow small animals, one bite at a time.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

The Haast hawk is one of the largest carnivorous birds of all time. In order to fly in the forest, giant eagles must shorten their wings, and even then they are 3 meters long and can attack their prey at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

Discover the terrifying animals that once dominated the planet, and you're guaranteed to be terrified of each one!

The Cretaceous emperor crocodiles, more than twice as large as today's crocodiles, were so terrifying that they fed on dinosaurs. How terrifying it would be when these creatures were still roaming the earth. Hopefully not early in the evening in my dreams.

Of course, due to the lack of knowledge, there are some overlords who have not been written in, I hope everyone will forgive me.

After reading these, I summarized a law, that is, the larger the body, the easier it is to be eliminated. Isn't it? Look at the tardigrade, which has evolved to be perfect, and it takes a microscope to see it, and the good guy has more than 6,000 genes from other animals, and these genes account for only one-third of its own genes. The strange thing is not that you can go up the mountain of knives and get down to the sea of fire. In a word, if you want to become stronger, concentrate it, it is the essence. So friends, don't be inferior because of your short height. You should be proud.

Finally, I wish my friends a happy weekend, like not to forget to pay attention to Oh, welcome you to learn with the Adventure Explorer and grow together.