

{"info":{"title":{"content":"宿松縣委原常委、政法委原書記、縣警察局原局長淩勇被“雙開”","en":"Ling Yong, former member of the Standing Committee of the Susong County CPC Committee, former secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, and former director of the County Public Security Bureau, was \"double-opened\""},"description":{"content":"來源:安徽紀檢監察日前,經安徽省監察委員會、中共安慶市委準許,安慶市紀委監委對宿松縣委原常委、政法委原書記、縣警察局原局...","en":"Source: Anhui Discipline Inspection and Supervision Recently, with the approval of the Anhui Provincial Supervision Commission and the Anqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Anqing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection supervision and supervision of the former Standing Committee of the Susong County CPC Committee, the former secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and the former bureau of the county public security bureau..."}},"items":[]}