
Java EE 5 vs Java EE 6

this post visualizes changes between java ee standards 5 and 6. the comparison of standards is listed in four sections web-services, web-container, enterprise application technologies and maintenance. hope this helps someone.

java ee 5 (jsr-244)

java ee 6 (jsr-316)

jax-rpc 1.1 jsr 101

jax-rpc 1.1

enterprise web services 1.2 jsr 109

enterprise web services 1.3 (new version)

web service metadata 1.0 jsr 181

web service metadata 1.0

streaming api for xml 1.0 jsr 173

streaming api for xml 1.0

jax-ws 2.0  jsr 224

jax-ws 2.2 (new version)

jaxb 2.0 jsr 222

jaxb 2.2 (new version)

soap with attachments api for java (saaj) jsr 67

java apis for xml messaging 1.3 (new version) spec

new! jax-rs 1.1 jsr 311

new! java api for xml registries (jaxr 1.0) jsr 93

the new redesigned java api for xml web services (jax-ws) is the base or a middle part of a newly java ee 6 web service stack.  the new stack  includes jax-ws 2.0, jaxb 2.0, and saaj 1.3. and is also called “integrated stack”.  jax-ws was designed to take place of jax-rpc. due this also jsr-109 was updated because it describes run time architecture of jee web services stack. jaxb which provides an easy way to bind an xml schema to java and vice verse, was updated to.

the soap with attachments api for java (saaj) (also known as java apis for xml messaging (jaxm)) provides a standard way to send xml documents over the internet from the java platform and was updated slightly containing now other consolidated standard.

new are jax-rs, which provides support for restful web services and jaxr which enables pull-parsing api for reading and writing xml documents. also available in java se.

java ee 5

java ee 6

jstl jsr 52


javaserver faces 1.2 jsr 252

javaserver faces 2.0 (new version)

javaserver pages 2.1 jsr 245

javaserver pages 2.2 /el 2.2(new version)

java servlet 2.5 jsr 154

java servlet 3.0 jsr 315 (new version)

new! debugging support for other languages 1.0jsr 45

in java ee 6 we have updates of all technologies of the web container except jstl. so e.g. servlet 3.0 improves servlet concept in pluggability and some ease of development. it’s also introduces async servlet, and long waited file uploading!. also now configuration can be done by annotations.

new a specification of debugging support for other languages 1.0

this describes standardized tools for correlating java virtual machine byte code to source code of languages other than the java programming language, so it would guarantee debugging possibility of everything what runs is jsr-45 certified container.

common annotations jsr 250

common annotations

jca 1.5 jsr 112

jca 1.6 jsr 322 (new version)

javamail 1.4

jms 1.1 jsr 914

jms 1.1

jta 1.1 jsr 907

jta 1.1

enterprise javabeans 3.0jsr 220

enterprise javabeans 3.1 jsr 318

(new version)

jpa 1.0 jsr 220 (together with ejb 3.0)

jpa 2.0 jsr 317 (new version)

new! contexts and dependency injection for java (web beans 1.0) jsr 299

new! dependency injection for java 1.0 jsr 330

new! bean validation 1.0 jsr 303

new! managed beans 1.0 jsr-316

in enterprise application section we see some important changes and new specifications. most famous and important is  jsr-299 context and dependency injection (cdi) which is there to unify the javaserver faces-managed bean component model with the enterprise javabeans component model to simplify the programming model and architecture of web-based applications. look anweld framework as reference implementation to this.

the similar sounding standard dependency injection for java jsr-330 just define a standard and common known di like in spring and other frameworks. look at popular guice di-framework from google which implements jsr-330.

bean validation  introduces a very cool annotation based and architecture layer independent java bean validation.

there are also some interesting improvements in ejbs. singleton is a new type and can be only one per container, it is also possible to use @local beans (same vm) without interface. also jpa 2.0 has advanced query possibilities and validation.

j2ee application deployment 1.2 jsr 88

j2ee application deployment 1.2

javabeans activation framework (jaf) 1.1jsr 925

javabeans activation framework (jaf) 1.1

j2ee management 1.0  jsr 77

j2ee management 1.1 (new version)

java authorization contract for containers 1.1 jsr 115

java authorization contract for containers 1.3(new version)

new! java authentication service provider interface for containers jsr 196

new! [javase] jaxp 1.3 jsr 206

new! [javase] jdbc 4.0 jsr 221

new! [javase] jmx 2.0 jsr 255

nothing special to mention here.

oracle (former sun) glassfish as 3.0.1 full certified

jboss as 6.0.0 web profile certification ibm websphere application server v8.0 (in development, beta available) should be full certified

