
[Javascript] An Introduction to JSPM (JavaScript Package Manager)

jspm can handle installed packages, transpiling es6, and bundling all from the command-line. this video gives a quick overview of install jspm, installing packages with jspm, writing a very simple app in es6 that uses those packages, then bundling up for production.


you can use jspm to install any package:

this will help you to create package.json and you need to select some default options such as transplier: babel.

we create index.html, to import system.js and config.js files whcih created by jspm. then use system.js to import the app.js file.


in the file we can use es6 already.

then when you open the index.html you will see it works.


this will create a build.js file,

replace html with:

only includes new build.js file, u will see everything still works.
