















[NHibernate]持久化類(Persistent Classes)

[NHibernate]O/R Mapping基礎










[NHibernate]條件查詢Criteria Query











[NHibernate]N+1 Select查詢問題分析








1     /// <summary>
 2     /// 描述:SchemaExport生成資料庫架構操作類
 3     /// 建立人:wolfy
 4     /// 建立時間:2014-11-16
 5     /// </summary>
 6     public class SchemaExportFixture
 7     {
 8         private Configuration _cfg;
 9         public SchemaExportFixture()
10         {
11             _cfg = new Configuration();
12             _cfg.Configure();
13         }
14         public void DropTest()
15         {
16             var export = new SchemaExport(_cfg);
17             export.Drop(true, true);
18         }
19         public void CreateTest()
20         {
21             var export = new SchemaExport(_cfg);
22             export.Create(true, true);
23         }
24         public void ExecuteTest()
25         {
26             var export = new SchemaExport(_cfg);
27             export.Execute(true, true, false);
28         }
29     }      





Drop(script, export)方法根據持久類和映射檔案執行删除資料庫架構。有兩個參數,第一個為True就是把DDL語句輸出到控制台,第二個為True就是根據持久類和映射檔案執行删除資料庫架構操作,經過調試可以發現Drop(script, export)方法其實質是執行了Execute(script, export, true, true)方法。

1         //
 2         // 摘要: 
 3         //     Run the schema creation script
 4         //
 5         // 參數: 
 6         //   exportOutput:
 7         //     if non-null, the ddl will be written to this TextWriter.
 8         //
 9         //   execute:
10         //     true if the ddl should be executed against the Database.
11         //
12         // 備注: 
13         //     This is a convenience method that calls NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport.Execute(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)
14         //     and sets the justDrop parameter to false.
15         public void Create(TextWriter exportOutput, bool execute);
16         //
17         // 摘要: 
18         //     Run the drop schema script
19         //
20         // 參數: 
21         //   useStdOut:
22         //     true if the ddl should be outputted in the Console.
23         //
24         //   execute:
25         //     true if the ddl should be executed against the Database.
26         //
27         // 備注: 
28         //     This is a convenience method that calls NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport.Execute(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)
29         //     and sets the justDrop parameter to true.
30         public void Drop(bool useStdOut, bool execute);
31         //
32         // 摘要: 
33         //     Run the drop schema script
34         //
35         // 參數: 
36         //   exportOutput:
37         //     if non-null, the ddl will be written to this TextWriter.
38         //
39         //   execute:
40         //     true if the ddl should be executed against the Database.
41         //
42         // 備注: 
43         //     This is a convenience method that calls NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport.Execute(System.Action<System.String>,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.IO.TextWriter)
44         //     and sets the justDrop parameter to true.
45         public void Drop(TextWriter exportOutput, bool execute);      


1         public void DropTest()
2         {
3             var export = new SchemaExport(_cfg);
4             export.Drop(true, true);
5         }      




Create(script,export)方法根據持久類和映射檔案先删除架構後建立删除資料庫架構。有兩個參數,第一個為True就是把DDL語句輸出到控制台,第二個為True就是根據持久類和映射檔案先執行删除再執行建立操作,經過調試可以發現這個方法其實質是執行Execute(script,export, false, true)方法。

1         // 摘要: 
 2         //     Run the schema creation script
 3         //
 4         // 參數: 
 5         //   scriptAction:
 6         //     an action that will be called for each line of the generated ddl.
 7         //
 8         //   execute:
 9         //     true if the ddl should be executed against the Database.
10         //
11         // 備注: 
12         //     This is a convenience method that calls NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport.Execute(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)
13         //     and sets the justDrop parameter to false.
14         public void Create(Action<string> scriptAction, bool execute);
15         //
16         // 摘要: 
17         //     Run the schema creation script
18         //
19         // 參數: 
20         //   useStdOut:
21         //     true if the ddl should be outputted in the Console.
22         //
23         //   execute:
24         //     true if the ddl should be executed against the Database.
25         //
26         // 備注: 
27         //     This is a convenience method that calls NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport.Execute(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)
28         //     and sets the justDrop parameter to false.
29         public void Create(bool useStdOut, bool execute);
30         //
31         // 摘要: 
32         //     Run the schema creation script
33         //
34         // 參數: 
35         //   exportOutput:
36         //     if non-null, the ddl will be written to this TextWriter.
37         //
38         //   execute:
39         //     true if the ddl should be executed against the Database.
40         //
41         // 備注: 
42         //     This is a convenience method that calls NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport.Execute(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)
43         //     and sets the justDrop parameter to false.
44         public void Create(TextWriter exportOutput, bool execute);      


1         public void CreateTest()
2         {
3             var export = new SchemaExport(_cfg);
4             export.Create(true, true);
5         }      



Execute(script, export, justDrop)方法根據持久類和映射檔案先删除架構後再建立删除資料庫架構。(nhibernate4.0中已經将第四個參數format去掉了)




1    public void Execute(Action<string> scriptAction, bool execute, bool justDrop);
 2         //
 3         // 摘要: 
 4         //     Executes the Export of the Schema.
 5         //
 6         // 參數: 
 7         //   useStdOut:
 8         //     true if the ddl should be outputted in the Console.
 9         //
10         //   execute:
11         //     true if the ddl should be executed against the Database.
12         //
13         //   justDrop:
14         //     true if only the ddl to drop the Database objects should be executed.
15         //
16         // 備注: 
17         //     This method allows for both the drop and create ddl script to be executed.
18         public void Execute(bool useStdOut, bool execute, bool justDrop);
19         public void Execute(Action<string> scriptAction, bool execute, bool justDrop, TextWriter exportOutput);
20         public void Execute(Action<string> scriptAction, bool execute, bool justDrop, IDbConnection connection, TextWriter exportOutput);
21         //
22         // 摘要: 
23         //     Executes the Export of the Schema in the given connection
24         //
25         // 參數: 
26         //   useStdOut:
27         //     true if the ddl should be outputted in the Console.
28         //
29         //   execute:
30         //     true if the ddl should be executed against the Database.
31         //
32         //   justDrop:
33         //     true if only the ddl to drop the Database objects should be executed.
34         //
35         //   connection:
36         //     The connection to use when executing the commands when export is true.  Must
37         //     be an opened connection. The method doesn't close the connection.
38         //
39         //   exportOutput:
40         //     The writer used to output the generated schema
41         //
42         // 備注: 
43         //     This method allows for both the drop and create ddl script to be executed.
44         //      This overload is provided mainly to enable use of in memory databases. It
45         //     does NOT close the given connection!
46         public void Execute(bool useStdOut, bool execute, bool justDrop, IDbConnection connection, TextWriter exportOutput);      


1        public void ExecuteTest()
2         {
3             var export = new SchemaExport(_cfg);
4             export.Execute(true, true, false);
5         }      


測試Execute(Action<string> scriptAction, bool execute, bool justDrop, TextWriter exportOutput)方法






1         public void ExecuteOutTest()
2         {
3             var export = new SchemaExport(_cfg);
4             StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
5             TextWriter tw=new StringWriter(sb);
6             export.Execute(new Action<string>((string x) => { Console.Write(x); }), true, true,tw);
7         }      





1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
 2 <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" assembly="Wolfy.Shop.Domain"  namespace="Wolfy.Shop.Domain.Entities">
 3   <class name="Wolfy.Shop.Domain.Entities.Product,Wolfy.Shop.Domain" table="TB_Product">
 4     <id name="ProductID" column="ProductID" type="Guid" unsaved-value="null">
 5       <generator class="assigned" />
 6     </id>
 7     <property name="Name" column="Name" type="String"
 8               not-null="true" />
 9     <property name="Price" column="Price" type="decimal"
10               not-null="true" />
11     <!--多對多關系:product屬于多個orders-->
12     <bag name="Orders" generic="true" table="TB_OrderProduct" >
13       <key column="ProductID" foreign-key="FK_TB_OrderProduct_TB_Product"/>
14       <many-to-many  column="OrderID"   class="Wolfy.Shop.Domain.Entities.Order,Wolfy.Shop.Domain"
15      foreign-key="FK_TB_OrderProduct_TB_Order"/>
16     </bag>
17   </class>
18 </hibernate-mapping>      


1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
 2 <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" assembly="Wolfy.Shop.Domain"  namespace="Wolfy.Shop.Domain.Entities">
 3   <class name="Wolfy.Shop.Domain.Entities.Product,Wolfy.Shop.Domain" table="TB_Product">
 4     <id name="ProductID" column="ProductID" type="Guid" unsaved-value="null">
 5       <generator class="assigned" />
 6     </id>
 7     <property name="Name" column="Name" type="String"
 8               not-null="true" />
 9     <property name="Price" column="Price" type="decimal"
10               not-null="true" />
11     <!--庫存-->
12     <property name="ProductCount" column="ProductCount" type="int"
13              not-null="true" />
14     <!--多對多關系:product屬于多個orders-->
15     <bag name="Orders" generic="true" table="TB_OrderProduct" >
16       <key column="ProductID" foreign-key="FK_TB_OrderProduct_TB_Product"/>
17       <many-to-many  column="OrderID"   class="Wolfy.Shop.Domain.Entities.Order,Wolfy.Shop.Domain"
18      foreign-key="FK_TB_OrderProduct_TB_Order"/>
19     </bag>
20   </class>
21 </hibernate-mapping>      


1     /// <summary>
 2     /// 描述:SchemaExport修改資料庫架構操作類
 3     /// 建立人:wolfy
 4     /// 建立時間:2014-11-16
 5     /// </summary>
 6     public class SchemaUpdateFixture
 7     {
 8         private Configuration _cfg;
 9         public SchemaUpdateFixture()
10         {
11             _cfg = new Configuration();
12             _cfg.Configure();
13             var export = new SchemaExport(_cfg);
14             export.Execute(true, true, false);
16         }
17         public void UpdateTest()
18         {
19             _cfg = new Configuration();
21             _cfg.Configure();
22             var export = new SchemaUpdate(_cfg);
23             export.Execute(true, true);
24         }
25     }      






  • 部落格位址:http://www.cnblogs.com/wolf-sun/


