
★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描

kali資訊收集~ 0.httrack 網站複制機 <a href="http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5061954.html" target="_blank">http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5061954.html</a> kali資訊收集~ 1.google hacking + github hacking  <a href="http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5074765.html" target="_blank">http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5074765.html</a> kali資訊收集~2.whois :域名資訊 <a href="http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5074768.html" target="_blank">http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5074768.html</a> kali資訊收集~3.子域名系列 <a href="http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5074772.html" target="_blank">http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5074772.html</a> kali資訊收集~4.dns系列 <a href="http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5074773.html" target="_blank">http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5074773.html</a> kali資訊收集~ 5.the harvester:郵箱挖掘器 <a href="http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5074776.html" target="_blank">http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5074776.html</a> kali資訊收集~6.dmitry:彙總收集 <a href="http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5074777.html" target="_blank">http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5074777.html</a> kali資訊收集~7.fping :ip段掃描 <a href="http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5074783.html" target="_blank">http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5074783.html</a> kali資訊收集8.nmap :端口掃描 <a href="http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5074784.html" target="_blank">http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/5074784.html</a>


★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描

usage: nmap [scan type(s)] [options] {target specification}

target specification:

can pass hostnames, ip addresses, networks, etc.

ex: scanme.nmap.org, microsoft.com/24,; 10.0.0-255.1-254

-il &lt;inputfilename&gt;: input from list of hosts/networks

-ir &lt;num hosts&gt;: choose random targets

--exclude &lt;host1[,host2][,host3],...&gt;: exclude hosts/networks

--excludefile &lt;exclude_file&gt;: exclude list from file

host discovery:

-sl: list scan - simply list targets to scan

-sn: ping scan - disable port scan

-pn: treat all hosts as online -- skip host discovery

-ps/pa/pu/py[portlist]: tcp syn/ack, udp or sctp discovery to given ports

-pe/pp/pm: icmp echo, timestamp, and netmask request discovery probes

-po[protocol list]: ip protocol ping

-n/-r: never do dns resolution/always resolve [default: sometimes]

--dns-servers &lt;serv1[,serv2],...&gt;: specify custom dns servers

--system-dns: use os's dns resolver

--traceroute: trace hop path to each host

scan techniques:

-ss/st/sa/sw/sm: tcp syn/connect()/ack/window/maimon scans

-su: udp scan

-sn/sf/sx: tcp null, fin, and xmas scans

--scanflags &lt;flags&gt;: customize tcp scan flags

-si &lt;zombie host[:probeport]&gt;: idle scan

-sy/sz: sctp init/cookie-echo scans

-so: ip protocol scan

-b &lt;ftp relay host&gt;: ftp bounce scan

port specification and scan order:

-p &lt;port ranges&gt;: only scan specified ports

ex: -p22; -p1-65535; -p u:53,111,137,t:21-25,80,139,8080,s:9

--exclude-ports &lt;port ranges&gt;: exclude the specified ports from scanning

-f: fast mode - scan fewer ports than the default scan

-r: scan ports consecutively - don't randomize

--top-ports &lt;number&gt;: scan &lt;number&gt; most common ports

--port-ratio &lt;ratio&gt;: scan ports more common than &lt;ratio&gt;

service/version detection:

-sv: probe open ports to determine service/version info

--version-intensity &lt;level&gt;: set from 0 (light) to 9 (try all probes)

--version-light: limit to most likely probes (intensity 2)

--version-all: try every single probe (intensity 9)

--version-trace: show detailed version scan activity (for debugging)

script scan:

-sc: equivalent to --script=default

--script=&lt;lua scripts&gt;: &lt;lua scripts&gt; is a comma separated list of

directories, script-files or script-categories

--script-args=&lt;n1=v1,[n2=v2,...]&gt;: provide arguments to scripts

--script-args-file=filename: provide nse script args in a file

--script-trace: show all data sent and received

--script-updatedb: update the script database.

--script-help=&lt;lua scripts&gt;: show help about scripts.

&lt;lua scripts&gt; is a comma-separated list of script-files or


os detection:

-o: enable os detection

--osscan-limit: limit os detection to promising targets

--osscan-guess: guess os more aggressively

timing and performance:

options which take &lt;time&gt; are in seconds, or append 'ms' (milliseconds),

's' (seconds), 'm' (minutes), or 'h' (hours) to the value (e.g. 30m).

-t&lt;0-5&gt;: set timing template (higher is faster)

--min-hostgroup/max-hostgroup &lt;size&gt;: parallel host scan group sizes

--min-parallelism/max-parallelism &lt;numprobes&gt;: probe parallelization

--min-rtt-timeout/max-rtt-timeout/initial-rtt-timeout &lt;time&gt;: specifies

probe round trip time.

--max-retries &lt;tries&gt;: caps number of port scan probe retransmissions.

--host-timeout &lt;time&gt;: give up on target after this long

--scan-delay/--max-scan-delay &lt;time&gt;: adjust delay between probes

--min-rate &lt;number&gt;: send packets no slower than &lt;number&gt; per second

--max-rate &lt;number&gt;: send packets no faster than &lt;number&gt; per second

firewall/ids evasion and spoofing:

-f; --mtu &lt;val&gt;: fragment packets (optionally w/given mtu)

-d &lt;decoy1,decoy2[,me],...&gt;: cloak a scan with decoys

-s &lt;ip_address&gt;: spoof source address

-e &lt;iface&gt;: use specified interface

-g/--source-port &lt;portnum&gt;: use given port number

--proxies &lt;url1,[url2],...&gt;: relay connections through http/socks4 proxies

--data &lt;hex string&gt;: append a custom payload to sent packets

--data-string &lt;string&gt;: append a custom ascii string to sent packets

--data-length &lt;num&gt;: append random data to sent packets

--ip-options &lt;options&gt;: send packets with specified ip options

--ttl &lt;val&gt;: set ip time-to-live field

--spoof-mac &lt;mac address/prefix/vendor name&gt;: spoof your mac address

--badsum: send packets with a bogus tcp/udp/sctp checksum


-on/-ox/-os/-og &lt;file&gt;: output scan in normal, xml, s|&lt;ript kiddi3,

and grepable format, respectively, to the given filename.

-oa &lt;basename&gt;: output in the three major formats at once

-v: increase verbosity level (use -vv or more for greater effect)

-d: increase debugging level (use -dd or more for greater effect)

--reason: display the reason a port is in a particular state

--open: only show open (or possibly open) ports

--packet-trace: show all packets sent and received

--iflist: print host interfaces and routes (for debugging)

--append-output: append to rather than clobber specified output files

--resume &lt;filename&gt;: resume an aborted scan

--stylesheet &lt;path/url&gt;: xsl stylesheet to transform xml output to html

--webxml: reference stylesheet from nmap.org for more portable xml

--no-stylesheet: prevent associating of xsl stylesheet w/xml output


-6: enable ipv6 scanning

-a: enable os detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute

--datadir &lt;dirname&gt;: specify custom nmap data file location

--send-eth/--send-ip: send using raw ethernet frames or ip packets

--privileged: assume that the user is fully privileged

--unprivileged: assume the user lacks raw socket privileges

-v: print version number

-h: print this help summary page.


nmap -v -a scanme.nmap.org

nmap -v -sn

nmap -v -ir 10000 -pn -p 80



★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描


nmap -o -pn ip位址

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描
★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描
★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描
★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描


常用:nmap -st -pn ip位址

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描

完整:nmap -st -p- -pn ip位址

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描

-st tcp連接配接掃描(s=&gt;哪種類型掃描? ==&gt;t tcp類型)

-p- 掃描所有端口 (不加就預設掃描1000個常用端口)

-pn 禁用nmap網絡發現功能,假定所有系統都是活動的

批量掃描 eg:nmap -st -p- -pn

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描

 syn 掃描:端口掃描中用的最多的,tcp兩次握手(隐形掃描,速度快)

常用:nmap -ss -pn ip位址

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描

完整:nmap -ss -p- -pn ip位址

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描

-ss (-s =&gt; 哪種掃描類型?s=&gt; syn)

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描

 udp 掃描:(dhcp,dns,snmp,tftp等都使用了udp協定)

常用:nmap -su ip位址

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描

完整:nmap -suv ip位址

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描

u=&gt; udp, v=&gt;版本資訊 (-sv udp掃描中添加版本掃描資訊)


★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描


常用:nmap -sx -pn ip位址

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描

完整:nmap -sx -p- -pn ip位址

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描
★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描

 null 掃描:和xmas掃描相反,發送空資料包,打開端口不會傳回相應資訊關閉端口則傳回一個rst資料包

常用:nmap -sn -pn ip位址

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描

完整:nmap -sn -p- -pn ip位址

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描

擴充:掃描的時候按d可以顯示debug資訊,按其他的鍵(比如x)可以顯示目前進度 xx.xx%

null掃描 和 xmas掃描

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描

 如果系統遵循了tcp rfc文檔,那麼不用完成連接配接,在發起連接配接的時候namp就可以判斷出目标系統的狀态。(ps:xmas掃描和null掃描都不會建立任何類型的通信通道。掃描目的就是為了判斷哪些端口開或關)


-sv 參數用于版本掃描

-il 批量掃描檔案裡面的ip

-f: 快速模式-掃描較少,掃描預設端口

-v 輸出的時候更詳細 (使用-vv 或更多的更大的作用)

-a 啟用作業系統檢測、 版本檢測、 腳本掃描等

-t 速度設定(最慢0 - 最快5)避免被檢測到則降低速度,如果趕時間就提高速度


★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描


root@kali:~# nmap -t4 -f

nmap scan report for

host is up (1.7s latency).

not shown: 92 closed ports

port state service

80/tcp open http

135/tcp open msrpc

139/tcp open netbios-ssn

443/tcp open https

444/tcp open snpp

445/tcp open microsoft-ds

514/tcp filtered shell

1433/tcp open ms-sql-s

nmap done: 1 ip address (1 host up) scanned in 16.67 seconds

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描


root@kali:~# nmap -ss -t4 -a -v cnblogs.com

nse: loaded 122 scripts for scanning.

nse: script pre-scanning.

initiating nse at 17:00

completed nse at 17:00, 0.00s elapsed

initiating ping scan at 17:00

scanning cnblogs.com ( [4 ports]

completed ping scan at 17:00, 0.20s elapsed (1 total hosts)

initiating parallel dns resolution of 1 host. at 17:00

completed parallel dns resolution of 1 host. at 17:00, 2.01s elapsed

initiating syn stealth scan at 17:00

scanning cnblogs.com ( [1000 ports]

discovered open port 443/tcp on

discovered open port 80/tcp on

increasing send delay for from 0 to 5 due to 11 out of 20 dropped probes since last increase.

increasing send delay for from 5 to 10 due to 11 out of 11 dropped probes since last increase.

completed syn stealth scan at 17:01, 84.92s elapsed (1000 total ports)

initiating service scan at 17:01

scanning 2 services on cnblogs.com (

completed service scan at 17:01, 5.01s elapsed (2 services on 1 host)

initiating os detection (try #1) against cnblogs.com (

retrying os detection (try #2) against cnblogs.com (

warning: os didn't match until try #2

initiating traceroute at 17:01

completed traceroute at 17:01, 0.02s elapsed

initiating parallel dns resolution of 2 hosts. at 17:01

completed parallel dns resolution of 2 hosts. at 17:01, 0.15s elapsed

nse: script scanning

initiating nse at 17:01

completed nse at 17:02, 6.16s elapsed

initiating nse at 17:02

completed nse at 17:02, 0.00s elapsed

nmap scan report for cnblogs.com (

host is up (0.0048s latency).

not shown: 998 filtered ports

port state service version

80/tcp open tcpwrapped

|_http-favicon: unknown favicon md5: cdd795c4b3e1ed39250a6b1b1db89e73

|_http-methods: no allow or public header in options response (status code 301)

| http-title: \xe5\x8d\x9a\xe5\xae\xa2\xe5\x9b\xad - \xe5\xbc\x80\xe5\x8f\x91\xe8\x80\x85\xe7\x9a\x84\xe7\xbd\x91\xe4\xb8\x8a\xe5\xae\xb6\xe5\x9b\xad

443/tcp open tcpwrapped

| http-cisco-anyconnect:

|_ error: not a cisco asa or unsupported version

|_http-methods: no allow or public header in options response (status code 400)

|_http-title: 400 the plain http request was sent to https port

| ssl-cert: subject: commonname=*.cnblogs.com

| issuer: commonname=go daddy secure certificate authority - g2/organizationname=godaddy.com, inc./stateorprovincename=arizona/countryname=us

| public key type: rsa

| public key bits: 2048

| signature algorithm: sha256withrsaencryption

| not valid before: 2015-09-28t08:12:38

| not valid after: 2016-07-27t12:31:38

| md5: 9b12 efe2 1f0c 7967 ca7c fe14 2a13 a200

|_sha-1: 29dd 13c4 11cd e03b de35 cad9 60ac e7e6 52de 8c44

|_ssl-date: tls randomness does not represent time

| tls-nextprotoneg:

|_ http/1.1

warning: osscan results may be unreliable because we could not find at least 1 open and 1 closed port

device type: wap|general purpose

running: actiontec linux, linux 2.4.x|3.x

os cpe: cpe:/o:actiontec:linux_kernel cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:2.4 cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:3

os details: actiontec mi424wr-gen3i wap, dd-wrt v24-sp2 (linux 2.4.37), linux 3.2

network distance: 2 hops

traceroute (using port 80/tcp)

hop rtt address

1 0.04 ms

2 0.04 ms

nse: script post-scanning.

read data files from: /usr/bin/../share/nmap

nmap done: 1 ip address (1 host up) scanned in 108.48 seconds

raw packets sent: 3196 (145.286kb) | rcvd: 195 (9.170kb)

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描


root@kali:~# nmap -su -v

initiating ping scan at 19:20

scanning [4 ports]

completed ping scan at 19:20, 0.20s elapsed (1 total hosts)

initiating parallel dns resolution of 1 host. at 19:20

completed parallel dns resolution of 1 host. at 19:20, 2.01s elapsed

initiating udp scan at 19:20

scanning [1000 ports]

discovered open port 137/udp on

completed udp scan at 19:20, 23.11s elapsed (1000 total ports)

host is up (0.0013s latency).

not shown: 998 open|filtered ports

137/udp open netbios-ns

4500/udp closed nat-t-ike

nmap done: 1 ip address (1 host up) scanned in 25.39 seconds

raw packets sent: 3006 (86.660kb) | rcvd: 32 (1.654kb)

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描


root@kali:~# nmap -t4 -a -v -pn

initiating nse at 09:52

completed nse at 09:52, 0.00s elapsed

initiating parallel dns resolution of 1 host. at 09:52

completed parallel dns resolution of 1 host. at 09:52, 8.18s elapsed

initiating syn stealth scan at 09:52

discovered open port 80/tcp on

increasing send delay for from 0 to 5 due to 11 out of 15 dropped probes since last increase.

discovered open port 443/tcp on

discovered open port 135/tcp on

discovered open port 139/tcp on

discovered open port 445/tcp on

increasing send delay for from 5 to 10 due to max_successful_tryno increase to 5

warning: giving up on port because retransmission cap hit (6).

syn stealth scan timing: about 8.99% done; etc: 09:58 (0:05:14 remaining)

syn stealth scan timing: about 14.66% done; etc: 09:59 (0:05:55 remaining)

syn stealth scan timing: about 22.24% done; etc: 09:59 (0:05:18 remaining)

syn stealth scan timing: about 29.91% done; etc: 09:59 (0:04:43 remaining)

discovered open port 1433/tcp on

syn stealth scan timing: about 37.97% done; etc: 09:59 (0:04:07 remaining)

discovered open port 444/tcp on

discovered open port 2383/tcp on

syn stealth scan timing: about 54.17% done; etc: 09:58 (0:02:33 remaining)

discovered open port 2179/tcp on

syn stealth scan timing: about 76.10% done; etc: 09:57 (0:01:06 remaining)

discovered open port 912/tcp on

discovered open port 902/tcp on

completed syn stealth scan at 09:57, 318.66s elapsed (1000 total ports)

initiating service scan at 09:57

scanning 11 services on

completed service scan at 09:58, 33.60s elapsed (11 services on 1 host)

initiating os detection (try #1) against

initiating traceroute at 09:58

completed traceroute at 09:58, 1.01s elapsed

initiating parallel dns resolution of 2 hosts. at 09:58

completed parallel dns resolution of 2 hosts. at 09:58, 0.05s elapsed

nse: script scanning

initiating nse at 09:58

completed nse at 09:58, 13.23s elapsed

completed nse at 09:58, 0.00s elapsed

host is up (0.59s latency).

not shown: 979 closed ports

80/tcp open http microsoft iis httpd 10.0

| http-methods: options trace get head post

| potentially risky methods: trace

|_http-server-header: microsoft-iis/10.0

|_http-title: iis windows

135/tcp open msrpc microsoft windows rpc

139/tcp open netbios-ssn microsoft windows 98 netbios-ssn

443/tcp open ssl/http apache httpd

| http-auth:

| http/1.1 401 authorization required

|_ basic realm=visualsvn server

|_http-methods: no allow or public header in options response (status code 401)

|_http-server-header: apache

|_http-title: 401 authorization required

| ssl-cert: subject: commonname=desktop-ptacrf6

| issuer: commonname=desktop-ptacrf6

| not valid before: 2015-12-06t14:04:50

| not valid after: 2025-12-03t14:04:50

| md5: c707 0eb2 71d6 5178 6687 9d2f 5594 dc01

|_sha-1: de83 b92f ad7d e0d0 125a 2f88 99d9 c741 6b51 bdcf

444/tcp open ssl/http vmware virtualcenter web service

|_http-methods: no allow or public header in options response (status code 501)

|_http-title: site doesn't have a title (text; charset=plain).

| ssl-cert: subject: commonname=vmware/countryname=us

| issuer: commonname=vmware/countryname=us

| not valid before: 2015-12-06t15:04:18

| not valid after: 2016-12-05t15:04:18

| md5: 6634 afe2 c934 e412 653c ee79 8fbe c64f

|_sha-1: da6f aaeb 31b4 51a8 73b6 403a 728d c0e5 a1e9 7c08

445/tcp open microsoft-ds (primary domain: workgroup)

902/tcp open ssl/vmware-auth vmware authentication daemon 1.10 (uses vnc, soap)

912/tcp open vmware-auth vmware authentication daemon 1.0 (uses vnc, soap)

1198/tcp filtered cajo-discovery

1433/tcp open ms-sql-s microsoft sql server 2014 12.00.4100.00; sp1+

1641/tcp filtered invision

2179/tcp open vmrdp?

2383/tcp open ms-olap4?

2717/tcp filtered pn-requester

2998/tcp filtered iss-realsec

3814/tcp filtered neto-dcs

5950/tcp filtered unknown

9944/tcp filtered unknown

10003/tcp filtered documentum_s

44176/tcp filtered unknown







device type: general purpose

running: microsoft windows 7|2012|xp

os cpe: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_7 cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_server_2012 cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_xp::sp3

os details: microsoft windows 7 or windows server 2012, microsoft windows xp sp3

tcp sequence prediction: difficulty=258 (good luck!)

ip id sequence generation: incremental

service info: host: desktop-ptacrf6; oss: windows, windows 98; cpe: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows, cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_98

host script results:

| ms-sql-info:


| version:

| service pack level: sp1

| post-sp patches applied: true

| name: microsoft sql server 2014 sp1+

| number: 12.00.4100.00

| product: microsoft sql server 2014

|_ tcp port: 1433

| nbstat: netbios name: desktop-ptacrf6, netbios user: &lt;unknown&gt;, netbios mac: ac:b5:7d:18:93:b9 (liteon technology)

| names:

| desktop-ptacrf6&lt;00&gt; flags: &lt;unique&gt;&lt;active&gt;

| workgroup&lt;00&gt; flags: &lt;group&gt;&lt;active&gt;

|_ desktop-ptacrf6&lt;20&gt; flags: &lt;unique&gt;&lt;active&gt;

| smb-security-mode:

| authentication_level: user

| challenge_response: supported

|_ message_signing: disabled (dangerous, but default)

|_smbv2-enabled: server supports smbv2 protocol

traceroute (using port 587/tcp)

1 0.37 ms

2 1000.57 ms

nmap done: 1 ip address (1 host up) scanned in 382.58 seconds

raw packets sent: 3582 (159.270kb) | rcvd: 3259 (130.738kb)

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描


root@kali:~# nmap -sv -t4 -o -f --version-light

host is up (0.31s latency).

1433/tcp open ms-sql-s microsoft sql server 2014

nmap done: 1 ip address (1 host up) scanned in 47.93 seconds

★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描



root@kali:~# nmap -ss -p- -t4 -a -v

initiating nse at 09:07

completed nse at 09:07, 0.00s elapsed

initiating ping scan at 09:07

completed ping scan at 09:07, 0.20s elapsed (1 total hosts)

initiating parallel dns resolution of 1 host. at 09:07

completed parallel dns resolution of 1 host. at 09:07, 0.06s elapsed

initiating syn stealth scan at 09:07

scanning [65535 ports]

increasing send delay for from 0 to 5 due to 45 out of 112 dropped probes since last increase.

increasing send delay for from 5 to 10 due to 397 out of 991 dropped probes since last increase.

syn stealth scan timing: about 5.11% done; etc: 09:18 (0:09:35 remaining)

syn stealth scan timing: about 8.41% done; etc: 09:43 (0:32:52 remaining)

syn stealth scan timing: about 8.89% done; etc: 09:47 (0:36:03 remaining)

discovered open port 1549/tcp on

syn stealth scan timing: about 14.17% done; etc: 10:19 (1:01:18 remaining)

syn stealth scan timing: about 14.89% done; etc: 10:24 (1:04:57 remaining)

syn stealth scan timing: about 15.50% done; etc: 10:29 (1:08:46 remaining)

discovered open port 1539/tcp on

syn stealth scan timing: about 16.79% done; etc: 10:35 (1:12:56 remaining)

syn stealth scan timing: about 17.95% done; etc: 10:42 (1:17:19 remaining)

syn stealth scan timing: about 19.25% done; etc: 10:49 (1:22:05 remaining)

syn stealth scan timing: about 20.88% done; etc: 10:58 (1:27:13 remaining)

discovered open port 1553/tcp on

syn stealth scan timing: about 22.52% done; etc: 11:07 (1:32:45 remaining)

syn stealth scan timing: about 23.78% done; etc: 11:17 (1:38:46 remaining)

stats: 0:36:36 elapsed; 0 hosts completed (1 up), 1 undergoing syn stealth scan

syn stealth scan timing: about 26.11% done; etc: 11:28 (1:43:32 remaining)

stats: 0:36:39 elapsed; 0 hosts completed (1 up), 1 undergoing syn stealth scan

syn stealth scan timing: about 26.12% done; etc: 11:28 (1:43:36 remaining)


★Kali資訊收集★8.Nmap :端口掃描


nmap -ss -su -t4 -a -v -pe -pp -ps80,443 -pa3389 -pu40125 -py -g 53 --script "default or (discovery and safe)"

nse: loaded 243 scripts for scanning.

initiating nse at 12:28

nse: [mtrace] a source ip must be provided through fromip argument.

completed nse at 12:28, 10.50s elapsed

completed nse at 12:28, 0.00s elapsed

pre-scan script results:

| broadcast-eigrp-discovery:

|_ error: couldn't get an a.s value.

| broadcast-igmp-discovery:


| interface: eth0

| version: 2

| group:

| description: mdns

| group:

| description: link-local multicast name resolution (rfc4795)

| group:

| description: organization-local scope (rfc2365)

|_ use the newtargets script-arg to add the results as targets

| broadcast-ping:

| ip: mac: 00:50:56:f5:1a:80

|_ use --script-args=newtargets to add the results as targets

| http-icloud-findmyiphone:

|_ error: no username or password was supplied

| http-icloud-sendmsg:

| targets-asn:

|_ targets-asn.asn is a mandatory parameter

initiating ping scan at 12:28

scanning [7 ports]

completed ping scan at 12:28, 0.20s elapsed (1 total hosts)

initiating parallel dns resolution of 1 host. at 12:28

completed parallel dns resolution of 1 host. at 12:28, 0.04s elapsed

initiating syn stealth scan at 12:28
