
[翻譯] AsyncImageView 異步下載下傳圖檔

[翻譯] AsyncImageView 異步下載下傳圖檔


<a href="https://github.com/nicklockwood/asyncimageview" target="_blank">https://github.com/nicklockwood/asyncimageview</a>

asyncimageview is a simple extension of uiimageview for loading and displaying images asynchronously on ios so that they do not lock up the ui.


asyncimageview includes both a simple category on uiimageview for loading and displaying images asynchronously on ios so that they do not lock up the ui, and a uiimageview subclass for more advanced features. asyncimageview works with urls so it can be used with either local or remote files.

loaded/downloaded images are cached in memory and are automatically cleaned up in the event of a memory warning. the asyncimageview operates independently of the uiimage cache, but by default any images located in the root of the application bundle will be stored in the uiimage cache instead, avoiding any duplication of cached images.

the library can also be used to load and cache images independently of a uiimageview as it provides direct access to the underlying loading and caching classes.

asyncimageview包含了兩種類型,一種是uiimageview的類目,用來異步加載以及顯示圖檔的。另一種是uiimageview的子類,含有更多的一些特性。asyncimageview 通過url來工作,是以,既可以是本地的圖檔,也可以是網絡上的圖檔。加載和下載下傳圖檔是緩存在記憶體的,是以當出現記憶體警告時會自動删除記憶體中的圖檔。asyncimageview 獨立于uiimage的緩存操作,但是預設的是,任何在bundle中的圖檔都被緩存起來了,防止重複的緩存圖檔。

supported build target - ios 7.1 (xcode 5.1, apple llvm compiler 5.1)

earliest supported deployment target - ios 5.0

earliest compatible deployment target - ios 4.3

支援ios 7.1

支援早期的 ios 5.0

相容更早期的 ios 4.3

note: 'supported' means that the library has been tested with this version. 'compatible' means that the library should work on this ios version (i.e. it doesn't rely on any unavailable sdk features) but is no longer being tested for compatibility and may require tweaking or bug fixes to run correctly.


as of version 1.5, asyncimageview requires arc. if you wish to use asyncimageview in a non-arc project, just add the -fobjc-arc compiler flag to the asyncimageview.m file. to do this, go to the build phases tab in your target settings, open the compile sources group, double-click asyncimageview.m in the list and type -fobjc-arc into the popover.

if you wish to convert your whole project to arc, comment out the #error line in asyncimageview.m, then run the edit &gt; refactor &gt; convert to objective-c arc... tool in xcode and make sure all files that you wish to use arc for (including asyncimageview.m) are checked.

從1.5版本開始,asyncimageview需要開arc,如果你想将asyncimageview用在非arc的項目中,添加編譯标簽 -fobjc-arc 在asyncimageview.m 檔案上。到bulid phases 頁籤上找到你的目标檔案,打開 complile sources 組,輕按兩下 asyncimageview.m 檔案,鍵入 -fobjc-arc 即可。

如果你想将你整個項目都轉換成arc,注釋掉含有 #error 的行,然後,運作 edit&gt;refactor&gt;convert to objective-c arc... 工具,確定所有要轉換成arc的檔案都檢查過了而沒有遺漏。

asyncimageview uses threading internally, but none of the asyncimageview external interfaces are thread safe, and you should not call any methods or set any properties on any of the asyncimageview classes except on the main thread.

asyncimageview 本質上使用了線程,但沒有哪個asyncimageview是線程安全的,你不能設定任何的相關線程的屬性,除非在主線程上。

to use the asyncimageview in an app, just drag the asyncimageview class files into your project.

僅需将asyncimageview 檔案夾拖入到你的工程項目中即可。

the basic interface of asyncimageview is a category that extends uiimageview with the following property:

asyncimageview 最主要的接口是擴充了一個屬性(擴充了一個屬性?????)

upon setting this property, asyncimageview will begin loading/downloading the specified image on a background thread. once the image file has loaded, the uiimageview's image property will be set to the resultant image. if you set this property again while the previous image is still loading then the images will be queued for loading in the order in which they were set.

通過設定這個屬性,asyncimageview 将會開始在指定的線程中下載下傳加載指定的圖檔。當這張圖檔加載完成後,這個image的屬性就會被設定成合成的image,如果此時,你再一次設定了這個屬性,那麼,之前加載的圖檔還在,然而,新指定的圖檔将會進入隊列中按照順序來加載。

this means that you can, for example, set a uiimageview to load a small thumbnail image and then immediately set it to load a larger image and the thumbnail image will still be loaded and set before the larger image loads.


if you access this property it will return the most recent image url set for the uiimageview, which may not be the next one to be loaded if several image urls have been queued on that image view. if you wish to cancel the previously loading image, use the <code>-cancelloadingurl:target:</code> method on the asyncimageloader class, passing the uiimageview instance as the target (see below).

如果你用了這個屬性設定了很多圖檔,他将會傳回你設定過的那些圖檔的 url 位址,但是并不一定按照你指定的順序來加載(因為是并發線程嘛),如果你想取消目前加載中的圖檔,使用-cancelloadingurl:target:方法來取消,給uiimageview的一個執行個體對象使用該方法。

asyncimageview includes an asyncimageview class, which is a subclass of uiimageview. this implements some useful features on top of the uiimageview category, including the automatic display of a loading spinner, and a nice crossfade effect when the image loads.

asyncimageview also provides an asyncimageloader class for advanced users. asyncimageloader manages the loading/downloading and queueing of image requests. set properties of the shared loader instance to control loading behaviour, or call its loading methods directly to preload images off-screen.



the asyncimageview class has the following properties:


if yes, the asyncimageview will display a loading spinner when the imageurl is set. this will automatically hide once the image has loaded. note that this value should bet set before setting the imageurl. setting this value when loading is already in progress will have no effect. defaults to yes.


the style that will be used for the uiactivityindicator (if enabled). note that this value should bet set beforesetting the imageurl. setting this value when loading is already in progress will cause the spinner to disappear.


the crossfade animation duration, in seconds. if value is greater than 0, the image will crossfade in once it loads instead of appearing suddenly. defaults to 0.4.


the asyncimageloader can generate the following notifications:


this fires when an image has been loaded. the notification object contains the target object that loaded the image file (e.g. the uiimageview) and the userinfo dictionary contains the following keys:



the uiimage that was loaded.



the nsurl that the image was loaded from.



the nscache that the image was stored in.


this fires when an image did not load due to an error. the notification object contains the target object that attempted to load the image file (e.g. the uiimageview) and the userinfo dictionary contains the following keys:



the nserror generated by the underlying urlconnection.


the nsurl that the image failed to load from.


asyncimageloader has the following properties:


the cache to be used for image load requests. you can change this value at any time and it will affect all subsequent load requests until it is changed again. by default this is set to <code>[asyncimageloader sharedcache]</code>. set this to nil to disable caching completely, or you can set it to a new nscache instance or subclass for fine-grained cache control.

圖檔請求所用的緩存.你可以改變這個屬性并瞬間改變所有與之相關的那些子請求.預設值是設定成<code>[asyncimageloader sharedcache],将這個值設定成nil會完全關閉緩存.或者你自己設定成另外一個緩存執行個體來更好的掌握這些緩存.</code>

the number of images to load concurrently. images are loaded on background threads but loading too many concurrently can choke the cpu. this defaults to 2;


the loading timeout, in seconds. this defaults to 60, which should be more than enough for loading locally stored images, but may be too short for downloading large images over 3g.


asyncimageloader has the following methods:


this queues an image for download. if the queue is empty and the image is already in cache, this will trigger the success action immediately.


the target is retained by the asyncimageloader, however the loader will monitor to see if the target is being retained by any other objects, and will release it and terminate the file load if it is not. the target can be nil, in which case the load will still happen as normal and can completion can be detected using the <code>asyncimageloaddidfinish</code> and <code>asyncimageloaddidfail</code> notifications.

works the same as above, except the action will only be called if the loading is successful. failure can still be detected using the <code>asyncimageloaddidfail</code> notification.


works the same as above, but no target or actions are specified.use <code>asyncimageloaddidfinish</code> and <code>asyncimageloaddidfail</code> to detect when the loading is complete.


this cancels loading the image with the specified url for the specified target and action.


this cancels loading the image with the specified url for any actions on the specified target;


this cancels loading the image with the specified url.


this cancels loading all queued image urls with the specified action on the specified target;


this cancels loading all queued image urls for the specified target;


this returns the most recent image url set for the given target and action, which may not be the next one to be loaded if several image urls have been queued on that target.


this returns the most recent image url set for the given target, which may not be the next one to be loaded if several image urls have been queued on that target.


you can use the asyncimageview class exactly as you would use a uiimageview. if you want to use it in interface builder, drag a regular uimageview or media image into your view as normal, then change its class to asyncimageview in the inspector.


for cases where you cannot use an asyncimageview, such as the embedded imageview of a uibutton or uitableview, the uiimageview category means that you can still set the imageurl property on the imageview to load the image in the background. you will not get the advanced features of the asyncimageview class this way however (such as the loading spinner), unless you re-implement them yourself.


to load or download an image, simply set the imageurl property to the url of the desired image. this can be a remote url or a local fileurl that points to the application's bundle or documents folder.


if you want to display a placeholder image in the meantime, just manually set the image property of the uiimageview to your placeholder image and it will be overwritten once the image specified by the url has loaded.


if you want to asynchronously load a smaller thumbnail image while the main image loads, just set the thumbnail url first, then the full image url. asyncimageloader will ensure that the images are loaded in the correct order. if the larger image is already cached, or loads first for some reason, the thumbnail image loading will be cancelled.

如果你想同時加載同一張圖檔的小圖和大圖,先設定 thumbnail url位址,再設定大圖的 url位址.asyncimageloader會確定準确的加載順序,如果大圖之前緩存過了,那麼會取消加載小圖的.

to detect when the image has finished loading, you can use nsnotificationcenter in conjunction with the <code>asyncimageloaddidfinish</code> notification, or you can use kvo (key-value observation) to set up an observer on the uiimageview's image property. when the image has finished loading, the image will be set, and with kvo you can detect this and react accordingly.


by default, all loaded images are cached, and if the app loads a large number of images, the cache will keep building up until a memory warning is triggered. you can avoid memory warnings by manually removing items from the cache according to your own maintenance logic. you can also disable caching either universally or for specific images by setting the shared asyncimageloader's cache property to <code>nil</code> before loading an image (set it back to <code>[asyncimageloader sharedinstance]</code> to re-enable caching afterwards).



1. 該asyncimageview不是基于gcd的,是以使用在uitableview或者uibutton中會出現一些使用上的限制

2. 可以加載圖檔序列,先加載小圖再加載大圖

3. 加載圖檔的時候可以顯示出菊花

4. 圖檔成功加載後會有着漸隐出現的效果

5. 圖檔是否加載成功通過通知中心來實作

6. 比不上sdwebimage,但也有自己的亮點,還是挺好用的.