
CentOS 7.2 釋出







this section is to be reviewed:

since release 1503 (abrt>= 2.1.11-19.el7.centos.0.1) centos-7 can report bugs directly to bugs.centos.org. you can find information about that feature at this page

sudo is now capable of verifying command checksums

a kerberos https proxy is now available for identity management

nss no longer accepts dh key parameters < 768 nor rsa/dsa certificates with key sizes < 1024 bits, nss also now enables tls1.1/1.2 by default

various packages now support tls1.1/1.2 and ec ciphers

the maximum number of scsi luns has been increased

the virt-v2v command line tool is now fully supported

dd can now show transfer progress

openjdk7 now supports ecc for tls connections

tpm version 2.0 driver level support has been added

tcpdump now supports nanosecond timestamps

various updates to the networking stack (i.e. vxlans, data center tcp, tcp/ip stack, ipsec, ...)

various atomic related packages have been updated

update to the libata, fcoe and dcb storage drivers

updates to various storage, network and graphics drivers

anaconda now supports nfs when adding additional repos during install

major rebases for the following: gnome from 3.8 to 3.14, kde from 4.3 to 4.14, xorg-x11-server from 1.15 to 1.17, libreoffice from 4.2.8 to 4.3.7. openldap from 2.4.39 to 2.4.40 and more.

CentOS 7.2 釋出

 because of these rebases some 3rd party repositories (like epel, elrepo, nux!, etc.) may not have all their packages rebuilt to use the newer packages in this release. this may cause the inability to update to the new release until those repositories fix their dependencies. you should contact the 3rd party repository owner to get problems fixed, or remove problem packages from 3rd party repositories to complete the update to this release.

technology preview: support of the btrfs file system, overlayfs, dnssec, kpatch, virt-p2v tool and the cisco vic kernel driver

more information can be found at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/7.2_release_notes/index.html.
