

{"info":{"title":{"content":"揭開台灣島内罷免的曆史,南韓瑜、洪秀柱、蔡正元都曾深陷其中台灣島内曆史上罷免案罷免陳柏惟之後,國民黨的路還有很遠","en":"After unveiling the history of recall on the island of Taiwan, Han Kuo-yu, Hong Xiuzhu, and Tsai Zhengyuan were all deeply involved in the recall case of Chen Baiwei in the history of Taiwan Island, and the KMT still has a long way to go"},"description":{"content":"不學無術的草包立委陳柏惟被成功罷免,确實是大快人心。這是朱立倫所率領的國民黨向整個綠營開出的第一槍,可以說是首戰告捷,士...","en":"The successful dismissal of Chen Baiwei, a straw bag legislator who did not learn any techniques, was indeed a great pleasure. This was the first shot fired by the Kuomintang led by Zhu Lilun against the entire Green Battalion, and it can be said that it was a victory in the first battle."}},"items":[]}