
林則徐從未出過國 為何被稱為中國開眼看世界第一人

{"info":{"title":{"content":"林則徐從未出過國 為何被稱為中國開眼看世界第一人","en":"Lin Zexu has never been abroad Why is he called the first person in China to open his eyes to the world"},"description":{"content":"在中國,林則徐擁有極高的知名度。這當然不是無緣無故的。他所主持的虎門銷煙,揭開了中國近代史上反帝鬥争中的光輝一頁;他作為...","en":"In China, Lin Zexu has a high reputation. This is certainly not for no reason. The Humen tobacco sales he presided over unveiled a glorious page in the anti-imperialist struggle in China's modern history; he acted as a ..."}},"items":[]}
