

{"info":{"title":{"content":"你若真心待我,我便用命相惜","en":"If you are sincere with me, I will take pity on you with my life"},"description":{"content":"佛曰:“一切有為法,盡是因緣合和,緣起時起,緣盡還無,不外如是。”佛家說,上船過渡是緣。上船是緣的開始,如果在船上什麼事...","en":"The Buddha said, \"All that has a dharma is the sum of causes and conditions, and when the conditions arise, there is nothing at all, nothing more.\" \"The Buddhists say that the transition on the boat is the cause. Getting on board is the beginning of the fate, if something happens on the boat..."}},"items":[]}