

{"info":{"title":{"content":"潮玩季之張顔齊:滑雪射箭滑闆全體驗,運動大男孩如何養成?77滑雪場:從小白成功逆襲77射箭館:變身隐藏的射箭達人,成功戰勝“師姐”77戶外運動:體驗滑闆,成功展示自己的學習成果","en":"Zhang Yanqi of the tide play season: ski archery and skateboarding full experience, how to cultivate sports big boys? 77 Ski Resort: From Xiaobai successfully counterattacked the 77 Archery Hall: transformed into a hidden archery master, successfully defeated the \"master sister\" 77 outdoor sports: experience skateboarding, successfully show their learning results"},"description":{"content":"9月29日,潮玩季明星體驗官張顔齊開直播啦!看他打卡多種好玩的運動,變身運動男孩。滑雪展示了他從新手小白到小試牛刀的進階...","en":"On September 29th, the star experience officer of the tide play season, Zhang Yan, opened the live broadcast! Watch him punch in a variety of fun sports and transform into sports boys. Skiing shows his progression from novice little white to small test knife..."}},"items":[]}
