

{"info":{"title":{"content":"拒絕邁克爾傑克遜求婚,80年代玉女,波姬·小絲:我22歲前是處女01-童星出身,母親的搖錢樹02-拒絕求婚,自曝22歲前是處女03-後悔結婚,因聚少離多散了04-36歲再婚,7次人工受孕精選人物:","en":"Rejected Michael Jackson's marriage proposal, 80s Jade Girl, Brooke Little Silk: I was a virgin before the age of 22 - born as a child star, my mother's cash cow 02 - refused to propose, revealed that I was a virgin before the age of 22 - regretted marriage, because of the gathering of less and more dispersed 04-36 years old remarriage, 7 times artificial conception selection of characters:"},"description":{"content":"在邁克爾·傑克遜的房間裡,隻挂着一名女星的照片,滿屋都是。邁克爾對她十分迷戀,連姐姐們都嫉妒不已。她就是童星出身的波姬·...","en":"In Michael Jackson's room, there was only a picture of an actress hanging all over the room. Michael was so infatuated with her that even his sisters were jealous. She is the child star-turned-Pokémon..."}},"items":[]}
