

{"info":{"title":{"content":"《新白蛇傳》開播,劇情離譜特效粗糙,拍爛了的經典難以别出心裁","en":"\"The Legend of the New White Snake\" was launched, the plot was outrageous and the special effects were rough, and it was difficult to be creative in the bad classics"},"description":{"content":"近日,翻拍古裝經典神話劇《新白蛇傳》空降播出,白蛇題材的翻拍劇近幾年也已經司空見慣了,但是這部《新白蛇傳》播出後真的是差...","en":"Recently, the remake of the costume classic mythological drama \"The Legend of the New White Snake\" was airborne, and the remake of the white snake theme has become commonplace in recent years, but this \"New White Snake Legend\" is really bad after broadcasting..."}},"items":[]}
