

{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"“性情中人”孟美岐被曝情緒不穩,王一博現身照料?網友:别玩火","en":"\"Temperamental man\" Meng Meiqi was exposed to emotional instability, wang Yibo appeared to take care of it? Netizen: Don't play with fire"},"description":{"content":"最近幾天,有關藝人孟美岐的熱點話題幾乎占據了各大平台熱門,主動訂私密酒店、國外演出購計生用品以及“456”暧昧暗示等,這...","en":"In recent days, the hot topics about the artist Meng Meiqi have almost occupied the popularity of major platforms, taking the initiative to book private hotels, purchasing family planning supplies for foreign performances, and \"456\" ambiguous hints, etc."}},"items":[]}
