

{"info":{"title":{"content":"關于大紅酸枝家具已經是“老手藝”了,對資深點木友早已不新鮮","en":"About the big red sour branch furniture is already an \"old craft\", and it is not new to senior wood friends"},"description":{"content":"前段時間,陪同業内資深行家再次至該地區的紅木工廠看貨,在看了“物美價廉”的成品之後,直奔工廠中的房間,再次見到了令人作嘔的一幕。...","en":"Some time ago, I accompanied a senior expert in the industry to the mahogany factory in the area again to see the goods, and after seeing the \"good quality and low price\" finished products, I went straight to the workshop and saw a disgusting scene again. ..."}},"items":[]}