
暴力測試表明:史上最薄的iPad Pro遠比想象中耐造

{"info":{"title":{"content":"暴力測試表明:史上最薄的iPad Pro遠比想象中耐造","en":"Brute force tests show that the thinnest iPad Pro in history is far more durable than expected"},"description":{"content":"蘋果釋出的新款iPadPro由于采用了全新OLED螢幕,大幅減輕了機身的厚度,讓平闆的厚度來到了最低5.1mm的水準。這...","en":"Apple's new iPad Pro has greatly reduced the thickness of the body due to the use of a new OLED screen, bringing the thickness of the tablet to a minimum of 5.1mm. This..."}},"items":[]}