
健美巨星西斯科·塞拉:與皮膚癌鬥争多年後因胃病去世,享年 50 歲

{"info":{"title":{"content":"健美巨星西斯科·塞拉:與皮膚癌鬥争多年後因胃病去世,享年 50 歲","en":"Bodybuilding superstar Sisco Serra: died of a stomach problem at the age of 50 after years battling skin cancer"},"description":{"content":"健美圈再次陷入哀悼之中,西班牙健美巨星西斯科·塞拉(XiscoSerra),在長達數年的皮膚癌抗争中展現出不屈的鬥志,然...","en":"The bodybuilding community is once again in mourning, and Spanish bodybuilding superstar Xisco Serra, who has shown unyielding fighting spirit in the years-long battle against skin cancer, and..."}},"items":[]}