
趙瑞君在建水縣調研時強調:積極探索新時期助農增收新模式 讓農民的錢袋子鼓起來

{"info":{"title":{"content":"趙瑞君在建水縣調研時強調:積極探索新時期助農增收新模式 讓農民的錢袋子鼓起來","en":"During his investigation in Jianshui County, Zhao Ruijun emphasized that he should actively explore new models for helping farmers increase income in the new era and make farmers' money bags bulge"},"description":{"content":"5月17日,州委書記趙瑞君率隊到建水縣,調研鄉村振興、農民增收等工作。他強調,要深入學習貫徹習近平總書記關于鄉村振興的重...","en":"On May 17, Zhao Ruijun, secretary of the state party committee, led a team to Jianshui County to investigate rural revitalization and farmers' income increase. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ..."}},"items":[]}