

{"info":{"title":{"content":"台立法機構現場爆發激烈沖突:有人扭打在地,有人怼臉互罵……","en":"Fierce clashes broke out in the Taiwan legislature on the spot: some people scuffled to the ground, and some scolded each other......"},"description":{"content":"為力拼立法機構改革法案能夠順利三讀通過,搶先遞交法案與占領主席台,台立法機構17日一早爆發多起肢體沖突,多人挂彩,甚至有...","en":"In order to strive for the legislature reform bill to be successfully passed through the third reading, to submit the bill first and occupy the rostrum, a number of physical conflicts broke out in the Taiwan legislature early in the morning of the 17th."}},"items":[]}