
基層之聲丨津冀攜手 家政花開

{"info":{"title":{"content":"基層之聲丨津冀攜手 家政花開","en":"The voice of the grassroots丨Tianjin and Hebei join hands with housekeeping"},"description":{"content":"為助力建構高品質城市一刻鐘便民生活圈,以小切口服務大民生,日前,武清區婦聯黨組書記、主席李金霞帶隊到河北省滄州市對接巾帼...","en":"In order to help build a high-quality city to facilitate the people's life circle in a quarter of an hour and serve the people's livelihood with small incisions, a few days ago, Li Jinxia, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the Wuqing District Women's Federation, led a team to Cangzhou City, Hebei Province to connect with women..."}},"items":[]}