

{"info":{"title":{"content":"日本足協主席:要增加歐洲頂級豪門日本球員,力争世界杯奪冠!","en":"President of the Japanese Football Association: It is necessary to increase the number of top Japanese players in Europe and strive to win the World Cup!"},"description":{"content":"據日本媒體報道,近期在曼谷接受FIFA采訪時,日本足協主席宮本恒靖談到了日本在2050年前奪得世界杯冠軍的目标。宮本恒靖...","en":"According to Japanese media reports, in a recent interview with FIFA in Bangkok, the president of the Japanese Football Association, Tsuneyasu Miyamoto, talked about Japan's goal of winning the World Cup by 2050. Miyamoto Tsuneyasu..."}},"items":[]}