

{"info":{"title":{"content":"歐洲多國農産品獲準輸華!iPhone7系列使用者可獲蘋果賠償丨今日财訊","en":"Agricultural products from many European countries have been allowed to be exported to China! iPhone7 series users can be compensated by Apple丨Today's financial news"},"description":{"content":"今日财訊要覽4月國民經濟運作繼續回升向好今日30年期超長期特别國債正式首發央行設立3000億元保障性住房再貸款個人住房貸...","en":"Today's financial news highlights: In April, the national economy continued to pick up and improve, today's 30-year ultra-long-term special treasury bonds were officially launched, and the central bank set up a 300 billion yuan affordable housing refinancing personal housing loan..."}},"items":[]}