
尾盤強勢拉升 滬指近期還會回踩年線嗎?

{"info":{"title":{"content":"尾盤強勢拉升 滬指近期還會回踩年線嗎?","en":"Will the Shanghai Composite Index step back on the annual line in the near future?"},"description":{"content":"今日早盤市場維持整理态勢,下午兩點之後,在房地産、大金融闆塊的助攻下,A股市場上演大反攻。截至收盤,三大指數漲幅均超1%...","en":"After two o'clock in the afternoon, with the assistance of the real estate and large financial sectors, the A-share market staged a major counteroffensive. As of the close, the three major indexes all rose by more than 1%..."}},"items":[]}