
農特産品臨時銷售亭 服務民生讓城市更有煙火氣

{"info":{"title":{"content":"農特産品臨時銷售亭 服務民生讓城市更有煙火氣","en":"Temporary sales kiosks of special agricultural products serve people's livelihood and make the city more fireworks"},"description":{"content":"近日,蘇州地産枇杷陸續上市。姑蘇區的農特産品臨時銷售亭,又熱鬧起來。上午,在姑蘇區白塔西路農特産品臨時銷售亭,剛上市的枇...","en":"Recently, Suzhou real estate loquat has been listed. The temporary sales kiosk of agricultural products in Gusu District is lively again. In the morning, in the temporary sales kiosk of agricultural products on Baita West Road, Gusu District, the loquat that had just been listed ..."}},"items":[]}