

{"info":{"title":{"content":"端午是“兇日”還是“吉日”?有啥講究?很多人還不知道,了解下","en":"Is the Dragon Boat Festival a \"fierce day\" or an \"auspicious day\"? What's the point? Many people still don't know, understand"},"description":{"content":"“端午臨中夏,時清日複長。鹽梅已佐鼎,曲糵且傳觞。”不知不覺之間,時間已經來到了農曆四月的下半程,也就是說距離端午節是越...","en":"\"The Dragon Boat Festival is in the middle of summer, and the Qing Dynasty is getting longer and longer. The salt plum has been accompanied, and the song is passed on. \"Unconsciously, the time has come to the second half of the fourth month of the lunar calendar, that is to say, the Dragon Boat Festival is more..."}},"items":[]}