

{"info":{"title":{"content":"美國海軍的造艦困境:複興要依賴盟友,依賴之後更有沒未來","en":"The U.S. Navy's shipbuilding dilemma: revival depends on allies, and there is no future after dependence"},"description":{"content":"雖然美國海軍仍然是擁有排水量最高的水上艦隊,但是中美海上作戰平台的競争已經出現難以改變的趨勢:中國海軍艦隻數量已經大幅度...","en":"Although the U.S. Navy still has the highest displacement water fleet, the competition between China and the United States for maritime combat platforms has shown a trend that is difficult to change: the number of ships of the Chinese Navy has been greatly ..."}},"items":[]}