

{"info":{"title":{"content":"中國用人工智能驅動海空作戰,與美國處于同一起跑線,但有實力赢","en":"China uses artificial intelligence to drive naval and air operations, and is on the same starting line as the United States, but it has the strength to win"},"description":{"content":"聽話聽音鑼鼓聽聲,關注中國軍隊的現代化,我們就有必要關注一下《學習時報》最近釋出的關于“新興武器技術占領戰略高地”的系列...","en":"Obedient to the sound of gongs and drums, and paying attention to the modernization of the Chinese army, it is necessary for us to pay attention to the series recently published by the \"Study Times\" on \"Emerging Weapons Technologies Occupy the Strategic Heights\"..."}},"items":[]}