
焦點訪談丨“海上牧場”“森林糧庫” 大食物觀讓人們吃飽又吃好

{"info":{"title":{"content":"焦點訪談丨“海上牧場”“森林糧庫” 大食物觀讓人們吃飽又吃好","en":"Focus Interview丨\"Sea Ranch\" and \"Forest Grain Bank\" The big food concept allows people to eat well and well"},"description":{"content":"視訊加載中...糧食問題,既是“國之大者”,也是“民之關切”。福建素有“八山一水一分田”之稱,這裡的人均耕地面積僅為全國...","en":"Loading... The food issue is not only \"the great power of the country\" but also \"the concern of the people\". Fujian is known as \"eight mountains, one water and one field\", and the per capita cultivated land area here is only the whole country..."}},"items":[]}