

{"info":{"title":{"content":"馬思純瘦20斤後又複胖?氣色紅潤小肚子突顯","en":"Ma Sichun lost 20 pounds and gained weight again? The complexion is ruddy, and the small belly is highlighted"},"description":{"content":"打開APP,檢視更多精彩圖檔搜狐娛樂訊近日馬思純現身活動,下班後一身休閑裝和粉絲揮别,氣色紅潤,但小肚子和雙下巴突顯,這...","en":"Open the APP, see more wonderful pictures Sohu Entertainment News Recently, Ma Sichun appeared at the event, and after work, he waved goodbye to fans in casual clothes, his complexion was ruddy, but his small belly and double chin were prominent, which..."}},"items":[]}