

作者:小靜 飾 濟南
{"info":{"title":{"content":"嘉檢速遞丨市人大監察司法委副主任委員徐燕平一行至嘉定區檢察院調研","en":"Xu Yanping, vice chairman of the Supervision and Judicial Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and his party went to the Jiading District Procuratorate for investigation"},"description":{"content":"5月14日,市人大常委會委員、監察司法委副主任委員徐燕平帶領部分市人大監察司法委委員、市人大代表到嘉定區檢察院開展行政檢...","en":"On May 14, Xu Yanping, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and vice chairman of the Supervision and Judicial Committee, led some members of the Supervision and Judicial Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and representatives of the Municipal People's Congress to the Jiading District Procuratorate to carry out administrative inspection."}},"items":[]}