

{"info":{"title":{"content":"昨晚十點多,我接到了侄子向我打來的求救電話","en":"At around ten o'clock last night, I received a distress call from my nephew"},"description":{"content":"我叫林浩,是一個普通的上班族,生活在繁華都市的一隅。我的家庭并不複雜,父母健在,還有一個比我小十歲的侄子,名叫林曉。由于...","en":"My name is Lin Hao, and I am an ordinary office worker living in a corner of the bustling city. My family is not complicated, my parents are still alive, and I have a nephew who is ten years younger than me, named Lin Xiao. Because..."}},"items":[]}