
從看客到主角 博物館搭台邀觀衆置身“史”内

{"info":{"title":{"content":"從看客到主角 博物館搭台邀觀衆置身“史”内","en":"From the spectator to the protagonist, the museum takes the stage to invite the audience to immerse themselves in \"history\"."},"description":{"content":"博物館新玩法:明星帶你穿越曆史長河在繁華的都市中,博物館不再隻是靜谧的曆史角落,而是一片熱鬧非凡、星光璀璨的新天地。近日...","en":"New ways to play museums: Stars take you through the long river of history In the bustling city, the museum is no longer just a quiet corner of history, but a lively and star-studded new world. Recently..."}},"items":[]}