

{"info":{"title":{"content":"曆經四朝,裝傻36載,終登帝位:他如何從糞坑中崛起,一雪前恥\"","en":"After four dynasties, 36 years of pretending to be stupid, and finally ascending to the throne: how he rose from the dung pit, a shame before the snow\""},"description":{"content":"一、一代枭雄的緣起暮色籠罩下的皇城,宮牆高聳,禁忌重重。在這處權力的中心,一個年輕的皇子正步履蹒跚,在夜色中穿梭。他名喚...","en":"1. The origin of a generation of heroes in the imperial city shrouded in twilight, the palace walls are towering, and there are many taboos. At the center of power, a young prince is hobbling through the night. His name is..."}},"items":[]}