

{"info":{"title":{"content":"《慶餘年2》口碑翻車?廣告泛濫還是劇情炸裂?網友熱議撕不停","en":"\"Celebrating More Than Years 2\" word-of-mouth overturned? Is there an overflow of advertisements or a plot explosion? Netizens are hotly discussed"},"description":{"content":"江湖風雲再起,五年磨一劍,《慶餘年2》終于在今晚閃亮登場!是不是已經按捺不住内心的激動,想要一睹為快了呢?要說這《慶餘年...","en":"The rivers and lakes are rising again, and after five years of sharpening a sword, \"Celebrating More Than Years 2\" finally debuts tonight! Can't hold back the excitement in your heart and want to see it? To say that this \"Celebrating More Than Years..."}},"items":[]}