

{"info":{"title":{"content":"無法愈合的創傷,涉及至少20萬中國女性的命運,魔鬼在人間","en":"The wounds that cannot be healed involve the fate of at least 200,000 Chinese women, and the devil is in the world"},"description":{"content":"在我們浩瀚的曆史長河中,有些痛楚是無法泯滅的。那些被歲月沖刷的記憶,是一段幾乎被遺忘的曆史,日軍慰安婦事件。這是一道無法...","en":"In the long river of our history, there are some pains that cannot be erased. Those memories washed away by the years are an almost forgotten history, the Japanese comfort women incident. It's a dish that can't..."}},"items":[]}