

{"info":{"title":{"content":"馮玉祥倒戈引發的蝴蝶效應,細說直奉戰争的終結,北洋軍系的走向","en":"The butterfly effect caused by Feng Yuxiang's defection details the end of the Zhifeng War and the direction of the Beiyang military system"},"description":{"content":"想象一下,一個軍閥的突然倒戈,不僅改變了一場戰争的走向,還徹底結束了一個時代的政治格局。這不是電影劇情,而是1924年1...","en":"Imagine the sudden defection of a warlord that not only changes the course of a war, but also completely ends the political landscape of an era. This is not the plot of the movie, but the 1924 1..."}},"items":[]}