

{"info":{"title":{"content":"太行山脈中的八個陉口,名将的通道,蝼蟻的墳場","en":"The eight passes in the Taihang Mountains, the passage of famous generals, and the cemetery of ants"},"description":{"content":"說起古代的戰争,你可能會想到滿天飛舞的箭矢、金戈鐵馬的激戰,有一處地方,曾經是無數英雄豪傑争奪的焦點,它就是太行山脈中的...","en":"Speaking of ancient wars, you may think of the arrows flying in the sky, the fierce battle of the Jin Ge Iron Horse, there is a place that was once the focus of countless heroes and heroes, it is the Taihang Mountains..."}},"items":[]}