

{"info":{"title":{"content":"玫瑰之戰中隐藏着五位慶餘年裡的演員,認出了于小偉,沒看出趙珂","en":"There are five actors in the battle of the roses who recognized Yu Xiaowei and didn't see Zhao Ke"},"description":{"content":"首要推薦的是深受廣大觀衆喜愛的電視劇《慶餘年》的導演孫皓的傑出作品!時間設定在林海雪原這個充滿戰火硝煙的險境中,一場緊急...","en":"The first recommendation is the outstanding work of Sun Hao, the director of the TV series \"Celebrating More Than Years\", which is loved by the audience! The time is set in the dangerous situation of Lin Hai Snow Plain, which is full of war smoke, and an emergency..."}},"items":[]}